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Everything posted by Vixxie

  1. Vixxie

    FP Survivor!

    Vixxie slaps on the tracking gear and yells "were having meat tonight!" there is fresh wolf to be had! ghostwolf anyways! sorry swaloads
  2. I ordered my shirt but erias no fun and only got a mug. Hopfully they get here before the party, shipping to Canada sucks!!
  3. Vixxie

    FP Survivor!

    lol sign me
  4. Booooooo to wednesday night movies lol But they look awsome shad <3 clear wow movies.
  5. Vixxie

    Much <3

    Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo now who am I going to do buttershots with good luck tho /hugs vix
  6. She is a cutie but Eria wont let me have anymore pets That and I dont know how getting pets across the boarder is Good luck finding her a home tho.
  7. Happy birthday Steve!!!!
  8. Thanks guys I hope all our other fp moms had a great day as I did 6 year olds homemade cards are the best!!!
  9. My son when he was about 1 year old was playing with a balloon (you would think harmless enough right?) Untill he figured out that if he jumped on it just right he could lanch himself. Well thats just what he did, he lanched himself into and threw our fish tank. Eria and I were standing close feeding fish in another tank when water was pouring all over our feet and our sons head was inside the tank!. Eria carfully picked up and pulled little alex out of the tank and ran to the kithen. I was in shock at what had just happened and took a sec or too realize we had to rush to the hospital. I sat in the back seat of the car holding towels over Alex's head and carfully pulling shards of glass out of his soaking wet sweater. Lucky for alex he only needed 4 stiches in his forhead and they used surgical glue on his little nose(to close to his eye for stiches) also alot of bandages on some smaller cuts. Doctors are still amazed he didnt lose an eye. He was so covered in blood and cuts they though it was a dog attack, until they had the fun of trying to take a soaking wet, glass filled sweat shirt off a very ticked off 1 year old ><.
  10. Vixxie


    lol had this emailed to me this moring and buy the look of him, he was a young one. lady was super lucky and walked away with just a broken wrist.
  11. Vixxie


    Worst thing to hit Had friends killed from head on with one. Stupit things will charge the car when caught in the head lights.
  12. Eria and I are going to try to work something out to make it down.
  13. play time
  14. Pie all the way !!!
  15. happy birthday
  16. here ya go
  17. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ERIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GORNOK!!!!! Hope ya have a good one
  19. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!
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