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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. Here is mine in My 10 man
  2. Dido on that lmao.
  3. Snarky

    Wow Astrology

    Maybe play the game agian and she can make a DK one. lol /wave
  4. Attention.. Please i request DJ Shadrende To the floor, where is the Second Epic Mix?!?!
  5. Shade Made mine. I feel Special.
  6. Nice Shad. I could PvP or Raid to this. =) Keep doing them,
  7. I know you didn't even get my DK's good side... WTF Myrevenge!! <3 OMGHAI Stang.
  8. Zang Me and Myrevenge run Nax 25 every Sat night and its non Fail why dont you just join ours?
  9. WTF I'm From Aurora and not to Far from Wellington Street Oh snaps...
  10. Well I like it. I'm a Fan of this kinda Music, Thanks Memphis
  11. Snarky

    Um ?

    Thanks Guys
  12. Snarky

    Um ?

    I dont know if its True or Not, cuz i remember reading a while back that there was these type of things going around
  13. Snarky

    Um ?

    Okay so i got this in my Hotmail last night and i looked this morning and this is what is says. I don't think this is Real but if someone else can tell me lol. I'm a little Scared. Account Offense: Violation of EULA and Terms of Service - Transfer of Account Ownership Details: An investigation of your World of Warcraft account has found strong evidence that the account in question is being sold or traded. In accordance with EULA section 4, Paragraph B, listed below: World of Warcraft -> Legal -> End User License Agreement and Section 8 of the Terms of Use: Blizzard Entertainment -> Legal -> Terms of Use A 3-hour probationary suspension is pending on this account, awaiting confirmation from a specialist. A warning has been issued. The investigation will be continued by the Account Administration team to determine the any further suspensions. If the account in question is found in violation of the EULA and Terms of Use, further action will be taken. Be aware that any additional inappropriate actions may result in the permanent closure of the account. Thank you for respecting our position on this matter. ========================================================= ** We suggest that you verify your legitimate ownership of the account here: ========================================================= Any disputes or questions concerning this account action can only be addressed by Account Administration. To learn more about how Account Administration is able to assist you, please visit us at Account security is solely the responsibility of the accountholder. Please be advised that in the event of a compromised account, Blizzard representatives typically must lock the account. In these cases the Account Administration team will require faxed receipt of ID materials before releasing the account for play. Please visit the World of Warcraft Policies and Terms of Use Agreement: for further information. Regards, Billing & Account Administration Blizzard Entertainment
  14. LoL thanks all. Stang I love you and Same to you Kat.
  15. Sorry ghost i thought Raven was Ret. LoL my apologies, Memphis what Mod you do you use for your Action Bars?
  16. Well Raven your a pally with like 4-6 Buttons that you need to push i'm a Healer lol
  17. So yeah i know this thread is old but i wanted to see ppls New UI's so if you guys wanna start posting them that would be cool. Heres mine.
  18. How in the hell did he do that?
  19. LoL what is it with you Zang and not being Able to have Weapons Like WTF man. Anywho http://belgwrath.mybrute.com
  20. I Most Definitely wanna go, So i am gonna look into Plane Tickets and Hotels. =)
  21. Happy B-Day FP i'm Glad to be apart of this Guild.
  22. shenanigans!!! LoL Gratz guys, It was my choice to go out lastnight. I'm sure some other ppl in the Guild would wanna give the Undying a shot. PST if you wanna Go!!! I <3 You Key lol dont worry.
  23. Snarky

    @ Belgwrath

    WoW thats funny. Yeah i know Johnny lol. He used to play WoW, And he is joking btw he is a good freind just playing around. Ty guys for the Support...
  24. Happy B-Day man. =)
  25. I am here if needed on my DK Sveigrim.
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