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Everything posted by Bangudray

  1. Bangudray

    Sig Pics

    man... i did mine myself and now im disapointed cuz everyones looks bad ass... lol gynis i dont raid but i want a super bad mofo sig like everyone else!
  2. lol looks pretty chill guys agree with fi-fi
  3. CALL OF DUTY 4 MODERN WARFARE! i will not be playing wow tonight cuz of CoD4 so woot if you guys pick it up post on this thread lets get some FPFTMFW all over this game!
  4. http://break.com/index/fat-kid-dances-la-fiesta.html cant help but picture some guildies bustin up at this... poor kid probly ate a shame stick after this shamestick: stick of butter rolled in sugar
  5. i want cen. mount thats hot
  6. thats a girl dance at least learn to C-walk or smash faces...like this http://my.break.com/content/view.aspx?ContentID=79003
  7. does bang need to slap someone? shit if a girl posts that expects to attract a man like that LMAO i wouldnt even give her the time of day...
  8. okayhttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v639/Bandaid4urheart6/raven.jpg 1) is that an action figure i spy? hidden behind the sprite bottle 2) classic phone with lots of call buttons... do you get that many calls? 3) emo poems? and emo drawings? 4) wtf is that... (looks at it closer) oh paper towels that are gone?? what where you doing with paper towels.... (implying something)
  9. voice communication? no more need for vent?
  10. thats what im on at school its a piece... but it gets the job done
  11. you kill me stang KILLIN ME
  12. if any of ya want to talk hit me up on aim cuz im trying to stay awake! aim: UnluckyPat
  13. god i cant stand that guy/girl AT ALL he bugs the crap outta me...
  14. lmao love it
  15. all i can say is WOW... just wow
  16. myspace.com/bandaid4urheart join me with the fat emo chicks! peace mangs
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