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Everything posted by Pippy

  1. you loved it ;
  2. Me a hardass? HA! never.
  3. I may not be from forgotten prophets, but i do beleive that this is their forum, and regardless of your stance or debate on the subject, you should still respect the members of FP, without making assumptions. Attunements being gone only removes an obstacle that can be done with a 5 man group rather easily (and i do mean easily). These quests were just a series of time sinks to keep alot of casual guilds from raiding high-end content. With the removing of these, it allows guilds that dont have a ton of time during the day (due to work, school, rl issues, whatever) to actually sit down and be able to raid at night. With that being said, it doesn't matter who is attuned, or what they went through to get attuned, just because they are attuned does not mean somone will get "free boss kills." The true test of skill does not come from getting a series of 5 man quests done, followed by medicore raid boss, which you would have killed anyways regardless of attunement. The true test comes from being able to walk into TK and SSC, and actually work together enough to down new content. Sorry if i come off strong, but everyones opinions (and forums) should be respected. btw <3 FPFTMFW -Pipizzle
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