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Everything posted by sakx

  1. My guild won't let me come to their party =( FP = next best thing?
  2. sakx


    THANKS FP!!!!!!!!!!! i love you guys and you're all my favorite =D now all i have to do is save money to go to the next fp party
  4. OMFG O_O Glad to see that you two are okay =o Sorry to hear about your RL mount tho =/
  5. Correct =( sakx did... all i have is my PvPgear my 70 druid only has his Soulbound stuff and my 52 shaman is waving his package in my face at the char screen naked as could be.. took everything been waiting for 4 hours atm for a GM to talk to me but i think they're avoiding me my computer is in the shop getting it's harddrive wiped ='/ friend brought over his PC for me so i could try to get my items back =/
  6. http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n239/RuneGold/Blessed.jpg we acually may be in trouble stang TL:DR, Jade/Blessed are going to Bot there way to highest vote
  7. =D
  8. http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n239/RuneGold/untitled-4.jpg
  9. Happy Birthday EVVEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. sakx

    FP Survivor!

    i want in on this O_O!
  11. you have a wife?
  12. sakx

    Forum Sig...

  13. is it really a competition who's the sexiest i mean honestly <----
  14. Wanted to say it now becuase i'm not going to be on for a couple days i'll be in Oklahoma <3
  15. sakx


    i totally signed up TBH
  16. do something productive with your life become a Cryptozoologist
  17. feel the pain
  18. wow nice choice of music
  19. Hraharharharhar <3
  20. yes ima chick lawl asshole
  21. Haha understood <3 HAHA better be pretty girls
  22. HAAHAHA First of all Artus if u can corpse camp me ill give u 400g 2nd NO SHIRTLESS thats for the ladies 3rd thanks to Gynis theres a dude im my sig Lawl
  23. shit i look emo but that just for the ladies its the hair baby and my shirt could kick your butt dude
  24. she is my sister AND HELLZ YSE SHE DOES
  25. yes and punk/ska http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k299/beautyinthebreakdown02/Picture11031586.jpg http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k299/beautyinthebreakdown02/Picture11031582.jpg http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k299/beautyinthebreakdown02/Picture11031583.jpg http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k299/beautyinthebreakdown02/Picture11031585.jpg http://i91.photobucket.com/albums/k299/beautyinthebreakdown02/Picture11031579.jpg sexyness bump /wink
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