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Everything posted by Nomadx

  1. Bored and looking ebay tonight, I know someone said a girl priest they new was possibly selling her account. Might this be the one! LOL http://cgi.ebay.com/World-of-Warcraft-PC-g...1QQcmdZViewItem Wow all that work for a measley 106$ ,Thats what 30 days of gametime equates to. HEHE
  2. Nomadx

    Hordie Server

    Well I made an undead warlock on the other new pvp server, Kalecgos . But this whole peeny arcade thing seems interesting. http://www.penny-arcade.com/ Seems like it would be fun to play a horde character here and mount attacks. Are you going to keep your characters there and fight the PA guilds. Is it a completely unbalanced server?
  3. The fact that you have 2 stack's make you a Blacksmith hopefully. Is it possible you could turn my dense stonex4 into dense grinding stones? My friend said I'll be getting alot of dense stone while farming the thorium. I'm/His character is an engineer so I can make thorium widgets if you supply the rune cloth. We can bang this thing out in half the time. Tell me what you think. Oh by the way my alias will be Klaudius Lvl 60 driud. Edit- Of cousre if there's more mats needed to make dense grinding stone I'll provide them. EWW are these turn in's trade specific? If so we can trade dense stone for thorium ore striaght up.
  4. Thanks for the info forever. My nieghbor let his accout go inactive , bought the recharge for the next two months. I'll be farming the thorium veins with his druid till I get me alot of those widgets stacked up.
  5. I can make the shadow protection as well. Just run into that same ghost musroom problem. Took me an entire morning to do for old guildy, 24 needed. They sell for like 1g a piece due to the hassle of gathering them. I can gather them easily enough in maraudon. Being a rogue help's. We have a few other rogue alchemist's as well, maybe we could all go there and get it done quicker anyone down for that.
  6. Ya that sounds good. Well good luck on that fishing trip. I set my son up on the dock in feathermoon usually. No horde casualties yet , and well the fishing is ok. If i had to guess 4-5 per hour maybe. Bring beer and the fishing always goes quicker! And hell if you dont catch much you'll have a nice buzz when you done.
  7. Nomadx

    for teahprime

    My father get's me a bottle of fine scotch every so often. He bought me a bottle of Jonnie Blue a few years back. Over 100$ a bottle and that was at least 6 years ago. Not sure but I''m figuring he bought it in the states. This Christmas I got a bottle of Chivas 18 , Thats good as well. Had to pour me a little because of this thred. Enjoy catch ya in the game.
  8. Well I just want to state , I'm sorry for asking you to learn that recipe in front of us. Wasn't looking at what guild you were in let alone it was ours. As you all now I'm new and not familiar with everyone yet. I'm glad the flask was won by someone within the guild as well. I get pissed cause I've lost several recipes due to the green round robin thing. Didn't even get a chance to roll for greater fire protection against a guy in 5 man lbrs last week(WaWaWaWaWaWaWaWa I cried all night). He wasn't even an alchemist. I was pissed I'm like I learn it right here it'll be my RTU. He wouldn't let me roll and said his guild needed it. Anyways that is standard loot rules correct? 250 plus gets rolled on? Thing is we all now these recipes sell for like 100-200g so why wouldn't people take them. I got nervous and frustrated when the leader said he hadn't picked anything up. Well I'm glad it got resolved and glad someone in our guild won. Dont know how many of those crazy flask's I could make anyways. Have you tried fishing those stonescale eel's up. Painfull to say the least, I have to pay my son to fish for me. Good luck tonight with onyxia guys I'll catch ya in the morning.
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