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Everything posted by Nomadx

  1. Grats guys!
  2. Way to go guys,Congrats.
  3. Nice congrats folks! Hope everything else is going great for everyone. If anyones bored come visit me on Khaz'goroth been on my fat priest (Yedi) over there of late. Of course most of you are asleep when I play. Good luck on the Gruul, and the aggro dropping orges on the way. Hopefully you guys one shot him , and you'll only hit that trash once!
  4. My boss was watching Jeopardy last night and his wife had no Idea why the lerooy jenkins question was so funny. He called me first thing today to let me in on it, to funny. Heres a link to the video someone has up allready. Good to know our future leaders didn't know the answer. I guess it's been around a while but I had never seen it. http://media.putfile.com/Who-is-Leroy-Jenkins
  5. http://img157.imageshack.us/img157/8885/dynomite12we.jpg
  6. Nice ! That looks killer.
  7. Nomadx

    RL Farming

    Hehe, 300/300. Spent alot of time doing that before marriage and now wow,lol. And soma sorry to say that one ended up on my firends and inlaws tables for luch the next afternoon. We spent a long time trying to revive him but no luck, We released two others earlier with no trouble that we know of.
  8. Nomadx

    RL Farming

    Way better then any stonescale eel. Caught this guy last night drifting eels. http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/3088/stripedbass14jv.jpg http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/3802/stripedbass28ii.jpg
  9. Yeah I have been trying to find it as well, found a link to an aussie news site with some info on it. http://www.apcstart.com/site/chipsy/2006/0...nsfers-for-cash
  10. Nomadx

    Saying Hi

    Nice Shed
  11. Ohhh this may be an option for me. Oceanic servers may be a new home for me, I'll be doing some research on this for sure. Thanks Bently!
  12. Stolen form the Blizzard forum's , I suggest the File planet one if you have the subscription with them. Reputable and usually fast 150kbs http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.a...p=1#post8760055
  13. Happy belated birthday! Looked like a fun night.
  14. So my wife and son really hooked me up for fathers day, Replaced my down laptop. But the card my son crafted was the best gift. How many fathers would get a kick out of this, We play to much lol! ZOMG Love you to Dan. [/img]
  15. You can jump down from incedius's platform , and shield and renew the group through the lava. Actually kinda fun. We were doing 1/2to45minute emp runs that way the other morning. My son will likely be on at that time though. Fracc think he made 55 last night in BRD, he's a lock . Whisper him if ya need him!
  16. Nomadx

    Funny stuff!

    Not sure if this ones been linked to here , I got a kick out of it. Just be careful the language is a bit harsh. No kiddies around for this one. http://ianknauer.com/Onyxia%20Wipe.swf
  17. Nomadx

    FP Stickers?

    Thats funny , yeah I vote for #3 too. I think the one Ii saw was from a local prep school in the town I was in (Fairfield Prep).
  18. Nomadx


    «Don't get in the way of nomadx.» «It's not a dream. nomadx is real!» << LOL «nomadx - what more could you want?» Good fun-Nomadx
  19. Nomadx

    / Famous

    /Famous ? Some random car in a store parking lot today. http://img456.imageshack.us/img456/3051/fp24tb.jpg http://img447.imageshack.us/img447/2716/fp12sh.jpg
  20. Nice glad you guys got it done , .
  21. Ya pretty boy gets the boot!
  22. The morning gang after taking out the emp! And looky there it's Amitash playing the king. Good times thanks guys! [/img]
  23. A Little explanation from one of the dev's. http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.a...mp=1#post648886
  24. Some interesting reading! New zone to be above E.P.L Oh yeah the link ,lol! http://www.nytimes.com/2006/01/28/sports/o...=rssnyt&emc=rss
  25. Not that this matters to much , but I was wrong with what I posted for my replacement video card. It's not an 8600 it's an ATI XL-800 which is running games very well. I didn't run any FPS tests but it seems to be running well.
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