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Everything posted by Nomadx

  1. Not sure if this is the best system out there but it's in your price range. What caught my eye is the listed items on the motherboard. Looks like a pretty good board for upgrading which the system would need when you got the cash. Sata, PCI-Express < In my opinion your next upgrade would be a Pciexpress card. Also plenty of slots for ram which would be the second upgrade I would do. I have no idea how this machine would run WOW, onboard video , not so sure about it! Anyways yeah my dell broke a few weeks back as well, 6800gt went 2 months after the 1 yr warr. Running a ATi 8600 I think it is now. Well here's the link , hope to see ya back soon. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16883102653
  2. I stumbled upon someones page the other day. http://leftovers.groupee.net/groupee/forum...864/m/989104816 Not that I go on to many of these raids but I like reading up on them. Hope this helps everyone!
  3. Nice! Wish they would put more of that arthas out there to collect. Man what a pain , spent a whole morning running around EPL+WPL for that stuff and got like 15. Anyways this may be one our last aq turn ins , They'll be like 500 herbalists riding around out there for it. << Be funny anyways!
  4. He did it, focused on one character and got him to lvl 40. Congrat's buddy! Thanks to Eni/History as well for making his soul shrad bag. He loves it! http://img249.imageshack.us/img249/1563/s406ac.gif' alt='s406ac.gif'>
  5. Yey , grats on that stang. You deserve it with all the time you put in!
  6. Nomadx


    I'll be running/conducting sucessfull ones early am 5-9am soon. My priest is 53 now a few more leels to go. I hope they'll be sucessfull anyways! My rogue is keyed and plan to have the priest keyed as well, so I'll be doing BRD and Lbrs routinely for the next few weeks. ST for the next few days to get some loots and 2-3 more levels.
  7. LOL, wheres all the melee gear? Anyways grats on geting your rep felz! Hopefully I'll be on and able to help you guys take them down.
  8. He's a Jack Russel Terrier.
  9. Here's our new family pet , and one picture of our cat with his new toy. He loves that catnip ! http://img393.imageshack.us/img393/5032/danziggyds7fg.gif
  10. Arnold Scwartzanager? I know Ihave heard that bit on Stern though ,lol.
  11. Rofl ,The helms are great, good stuff!!
  12. I listen as well, all the time. My wife bought me the sirius radio last christmas and I love it. My wife FTW ! She wont listen tough,lol. Anyways I recomend the satelite radio as well, My job has me in the car for 700-1000 miles a week on average so it's been great for me. If you get one check out the Jay thomas show on channel 103 from 2-5pm. He's a sarcastic bastard kind of like Letterman with his interviews which I like. Leno sucks! And I think my favortie music channels are 20 octane (new Rock) or 17 Jam on which is Jam bands 24-7 . I get zoned behind the wheel listening to Phish/Gerry /String Cheese/WideSpreadPanic. What was your favorite part of todays goodbye show. I was pissing myself to that Hank the dwarf song sung by Robert Gulie<(Not sure it was this guy or if this is how his name is spelled). Also got a kick out off King of all blacks picking on Angry for his out of the bargain bin sneakers.
  13. Trib mesagsed me today and told me he could make me a Blackguard http://www.thottbot.com/?i=40781 , I'm assuming he's exalted at this point if he says he can make it. Now where could one find 12 firey core and 12 lava cores ? Might be saving for a while ,lol. There like 120-150g each at AH. Humm like 4000g Way I fiugre it I should have one by 2007 . What a kick ass blade that thing is though! Oh I'm not even sure how smithing works,lol. He can make swords does that mean he cant make hammers probably huh?
  14. This will fuel the competition some for sure. Great site. Thanks
  15. Nomadx

    Bored at work!!

    God luck with that!
  16. Nomadx

    Bored at work!!

    There back up allready!
  17. Nomadx

    Bored at work!!

    In between keying in orders for my sales reps/merchandisers this weekend , I'm trolling froums. It's a nice break from the monatany of data entry today. Rather be on the road working with one of them instead.
  18. Still laughing at the , "Did the bride get ganked question" ROFL Sorry I had to leave early and miss the festivities !
  19. Nomadx

    Lord Kazzak

    While I was posting pick Lucid and a few others took him down.
  20. Nomadx

    Lord Kazzak

    Well he's up it's 10am maybe you'll all get luck and noone will kill him before you go to MC later . http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/6902/lordkazzak3eg.gif' alt='lordkazzak3eg.gif'>
  21. More conformaton on upcoming Pally changes. http://games.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=0...842204&from=rss
  22. Wow , I'd have to agree with ya one of the best wow experience's. Grats to all that were involved in our AV triumph. What a nice feeling to win! I agree with Skee as fun as beating the piss out of NPC's is , this was by far alot more gratifying. Thanks again to the 20 or so that showed up and took part. FPFTMFW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah and be safe Skee , catch ya when you get back man.
  23. Forgive me cause I'm not that great at taking the screenshots. Just wanted to let everyone know two of our members got there epic chargers this morning. [/img]
  24. Nomadx

    Sumic Go Poof

    Now who am I going to tip to make my stormshroud armour , lol. You'll be missed man take care of yourself. Hope the grass is way greener for ya. We also lost synch this morning to the transfers he was a warlock I believe , oddly enough I did my first group with him the day before. Must have been the dwarvish scent that drove him away. Thoses that were on siad there goodbyes to Synch as well.
  25. thanks for that
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