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Everything posted by Raz

  1. Staff Discount Ftw!!! Now get back in game asap bizzatch
  2. Raz

    Dragon Kill Points.

    Oops Double Post === Deleted...
  3. Raz

    Dragon Kill Points.

    Well i would have liked to think you'd trust us to keep loot fair really, but... Dont get me wrong i have no problem with anyone within your guild, solace, or any of the people that come with us on a constant basis getting loot. Id be happy if even ALL the loot went to you guys one run because untill you get enough people to run by yourselfs we ARE an alliance, but if anyone ever thinks i, or anyone else that will be doing loot that day is rigging the system, screenshot your bid! Then you can check who spend what on our website and see that they did infact bid more.
  4. http://images5.theimagehosting.com/MeOverAyumi.JPG Bizzatch
  5. Raid point system now in place for today's run. Aeternum Guild for details.
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