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Everything posted by Mullytt

  1. BTW: If anyone has any questions, or needs any advice on cube-clicking, I'd be happy to chime in.
  2. Grats FP! Great job by everyone!
  3. Also heard it could be at the Darkmoon Faire.
  4. I'm barely in it. 0/10 j/k nice jorb d00d.
  5. Jeebus. DON'T THESE PEOPLE HAVE LIVES!!?? Well, grats to them anyway...looking forward to watching a kill movie.
  6. Looks neat!
  7. We'll call you "Honest Rav" http://www.apples4theteacher.com/holidays/presidents-day/abraham-lincoln/photographs/lincoln4.jpg
  8. But what if it's the really good raisin bread? That stuff needs the extra layer of protection, to seal in all the delicious.
  9. epic
  10. I decided to try and save a little scratch and farm the motes, so it may take me a little longer to get it all together anyway. 12 down, 148 to go.
  11. Yes, they fit perfectly! All pimped out, too!
  12. I've been at the AH and almost bought the mats for this at least 6 times. Haven't pulled the trigger yet, but I'm getting close. Can anyone make it? If so, that would make my decision a lot easier. Lemme know! [item]Girdle of Ruination[/item] http://www.thottbot.com/i24256
  13. Stolen from the WOW.com boards: http://www.ocregister.com/ocregister/money...p?referrer=digg Here's his Armory page: http://armory.worldofwarcraft.com/#charact...&n=Ephoenix -- Looking forward to doing that quest - I hope I find it!
  14. It looked to me like the realms mentioned for extended maintenance were brought down early (2am-ish PST), so hopefully we'll be back up with the rest of 'em. WTB: Patch Mirror
  15. Mullytt


    Methinks it involves advertisements or something.
  16. Dead men walking, imo.
  17. If you got to Blizzard's Site, they're "lighting up" a different game every day until May 19th. Also, if you go to Startcraft2.com, it takes you to the same place.
  18. The ring does look very nice. Me likey. But... ...yeah.
  19. FOUND IT!!!!!!!!!111!!
  20. Is it too tall? lol - I can get it reduced - I don't know if I like it 100% anyway, since I'm shooting a lightning bolt, and I still can't find that spell in my spell book anywhere =/ And my toon has no mullet. Sad to say, gimmick names ftw! (I do have a mullet wig irl, though) /end thread derail
  21. Super cool! I haven't checked 'em all out yet, but this definitely falls under "good news"!
  22. /speechless
  23. Wow. Guy was stupid enough to give out his address, I guess he kinda deserved what was coming. LOL
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