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Everything posted by Mullytt

  1. I just bought bag, and will be hosting a tourney at my desk later on this afternoon. I'll be sure to report back with the outcome. http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c16/Bigchunk7387/untitled-3.jpg
  2. Awesome. I love this guy. Fruit vendor has not heard the last of him.
  3. ZOMG!! Servers coming up!!
  4. /Tries to figure out what part of the body that is...
  5. In your WoW directory, there's an "Patch" folder, you can drop it there. It actually doesn't matter where you put it, though, you just need to run that .exe file, and it will patch you up.
  6. Try the link I posted above - it d/l'd fast for me, and I'm already /patched.
  7. Man... That looks like one of those "Personality Tests" that there's no right or wrong answer to, it's just to see how you respond to them. I had to take one of those for my current job, but it was no where near as creative or wacky as that one. If you're bored, go to the Google site, and poke around their employment page. Their "Benefits" will blow your mind.
  8. Thx for the post/info, Stang. teh Patch
  9. Great job on the kill guys!!
  10. Nice pics...but I'm gonna have nightmares for weeks now.
  11. OK, since Sauceboss is a P-I-M-P, all I need now is the 4 of Blessings. If anyone comes across it, keep me in mind!
  12. Cool bud - I'll bug you in-game!
  13. Hey FP - I'm trying to collect this set and play with the cool trinket (it's the one that stacks +8 spell damage 10 times)...and I'm almost there. I still need the 7 and 4 of Blessings, so if anyone has or finds one/them and wants to sell, I will be your buyer. Thanks in advance!
  14. Mullytt

    Buh Bye FP : (

    Good luck bud. School ftw.
  15. You didn't even steal that from the site, did you? You just typed that out here...
  16. Hey - how you doin'? No, not you, you. How you doin'?
  17. Mullytt

    Energy Legs!

    I thought this was gonna be a thread about "Sprite Pants".
  18. Mullytt

    FP Quiz

    /too n00b
  19. http://media.urbandictionary.com/image/large/spinaltap-36821.jpg "Good cop and bad cop have left for the day. I'm a different kind of cop."
  20. Yah, but you can't miss Mullytt! [item]Winterfall Firewater[/item] FTW!
  21. Great job on the kill guys!
  22. http://www.morningtoast.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads//missmap.gif
  23. Mullytt

    The F Word

    This one might require teh headphones.
  24. Grats on the kill guys - great jorb!!
  25. Well, this guild that I'm in - we occasionally do Magtheridon. Me and some of the other 'locks like to cast Rain of Fire on everyone during trash pulls to watch them scatter. There's one priest that's really fun to get running... Oh, wait...
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