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Everything posted by Arafelz

  1. Just to add to Stang's post. MC Invites will go out at 9pm Server time tonight. and we'll try to get through as much as we can with the short time. We are going to go as long as we have enough people to keep going, so there is no end time on this other than what you guys make it.
  2. sorry to see you go hothgar, for the short time you were here, you were a quality warrior.
  3. great job stric. you made it look a lot easier and calmer than we all know it was (;
  4. I think because of your dual guild membership you don't get access to the member's site, but gynis can clarify i'm sure.
  5. hmmm... interesting.... Sulfuron Hammer (http://www.thottbot.com/?i=40119)- all Blacksmiths can obtain this. To receive the plans you must bring a single Sulfuron Ingot (http://thottbot.com/?i=27743) which drops from Golemagg the Incinerator (drop rates: Thottbot (http://thottbot.org/?i=27743) / Allakazam (http://wow.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?witem=17203)). There is no reputation requirement for the plans and you need only have an ingot in your inventory when you speak to him.
  6. i thought they were only revered? am i mistaken?
  7. If people are interested in helping out so one day we would be /uber-famous then any Dark Iron Ore, for rep, or Arcane Crystals as part of the mats would be greatly appreciated.
  8. well... as soon as i find out what a sentance is vs a sentence then i'll be able to put my 2 cents in (:
  9. To back up gryph, The councilors have known this for a couple weeks now and are working up a schedule that can accomodate the guild to the best of our abilities. Once the patch is released we'll have the new setup for you. Remember that we are looking to do what is best for all of our members, the casual players and the ones that play every night.
  10. what res do you have? i look fat.
  11. As far as I can remember, Gryph and I have never kissed, in fact I am quite alright with this and aim to keep that streak going.
  12. I know that Xan tried to gank me once in Blackrock Mountain. I jumped off the cliff into the lava rather than giving him the satisfaction (:
  13. We do Rag attempts whenever we are able. It isn't just Sunday's and even when it is... it is from 3 to 7 about... which last time i checked isn't late night. Yes we could cut it down to 5 priests, 4 druids and probably 4 pallies to squeak more dps in there, but they have to be geared and from what I can tell from the majority of the guild... it has been a lot of talk about equipment but not a lot of people getting it unfortunately. Like shoop I don't think we have put a serious attempt yet where the same 40 people stay for the 2 hours Rag is spawned and we aren't down after wipes for 10 min. /:
  14. In order to dispel all rumors and myths. We do not have enough active people to run 2 MC's currently so shoo those ideas out of your heads.
  15. i ended up getting something like 12000 honor, and from halfway through neutral to 3/4 the way through friendly with faction but i also completed out some quests
  16. Arafelz


    Hi Shadrende! Thanks for saying hi-zorz!
  17. its at friendly, which is pretty cake to do. herbalists, start saving up your kingsblood!
  18. that was definately my back... but i will take you further back in the gryph/felz time machine... don't even ask. http://www.zer0sum.com/oldschool.jpg
  19. yeah, probably the creepiest thing i have ever seen (if real)
  20. Arafelz


    what's this quest line/battle?
  21. 3 Requests... 1) can everyone make sure they have ct-raid assist. http://www.ctmod.net/downloads.ct all you need to download is the ct-raid assist. this will help in calling out the stages for different bosses so we don't have to call them out on vent and add to the confusion. 2) bring some potions. i know that they tend to be expensive, but we need everyone to be able to support themselves so that one major healing per boss attempt or one major mana can turn the tide. if you want, buy the mats and have the potions made, we have many people that can do that. 3) this is going to be tedious, long, aggravating (i know i get frusterated), but please allow enough time to make a few attempts at Rag. Last time our down time was killer. So if you can't devote 4 hours or so to bashing our heads against a wall, think about stepping to overflow. If it does turn out that you have to leave in between attempts, please let a raid leader know ahead of time so we can try to find a replacement and don't just leave, it is rude and dis-respectful to the rest of the raid.
  22. the reason that melee should jump across the lava is so that their healers can have range on them and the other ranged folks. after rag last night i saw a couple people practicing and i did it my self too and you can jump across without taking damage.
  23. just so there is no misconceptions... we all know that druids have no actual gear, we have to ninja it all from other classes.
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