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Everything posted by Arafelz

  1. Arafelz

    FP Quiz

    Who has been kicked out of FP the most? Who did Felz recruit to be in FP after continually running Scarlet Strat to kill the Postmaster
  2. Arafelz

    Energy Legs!

    I could be totally late in posting this... but meh http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGEycdQ5SVI
  3. Arafelz

    zelda mooooovie

    gryph! from downtown!
  4. absolutely fascinating. manufacture concepts of beauty and attractiveness.
  5. same... minus the man-love
  7. i also read that for the poison adds, hunters can drop those freezing traps to slow the adds so that we can gather them, either that or the frost nova
  8. anyone happen to have 2 bloodvine squirreled away that i could purchase for some more resist gear?
  9. since new york and the northeast in general is full of assholes... i'll let you draw your own conclusions.
  10. hooray news that isn't "gryph's last hurrah"!!! and grats to you folks as well.
  11. Arafelz


    lego star wars is fun.
  12. To bad they found out about this little trick too... shat all over dr00ds.
  13. Arafelz


    someone just send him a new card for chrisakes.
  14. http://www.zer0sum.com/2.jpg
  15. thanks everyone!
  16. http://w3.ag.uiuc.edu/AIM/Graphics/fat.gif
  17. your mom went to fire college.
  18. i think garnok is still using a green gun because he hasn't found one that he really wants yet or has passed on it (:
  19. that post is indeed the fo'shizzle
  20. i'll wait for the movie... oh wait...
  21. well until they give us the lore behind Zomg Moosehead, then i'm looking for wings.
  22. so why doesn't our set come with wings? what a rip-off.
  23. Arafelz


    i know that este likes to camp the x-roads. (:
  24. yes... asia... bean sprouts and cats together in a perfect meal.
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