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In anticipation of Halo 3, Rock Band, Guitar Hero 3, and because I'm addicted to Guitar Hero and my friends are tired of me stealing their PS2's to play it, I've finally broken down and I'm going to buy an Xbox. However, I have a few questions that hopefully some of you can answer. I've done a little bit of research but I'm looking for someone to make my choices painfully obvious.


1) Xbox 360 Pro/Premium/Whatever version retailing for 349.00 or Xbox 360 Elite for 449.00? I know the main thing about the elite is the 100gb Hard Drive vs the 20gb hard drive but how much space do Xbox games really use? I have a 100gb hard drive on my laptop right now and it's full only due to the insane amount of movies/music on here. Am I really going to need that extra 100gb on the Xbox?


2) Aside from Ebay (Where I looked earlier and the only relatively cheap Xboxes seem either shady or need to be mailed to a confirmed address, since I'm away at school this is not my confirmed address so stuff won't get shipped here) is there any site that is selling them for cheap? I did a bit of looking around but for the most part they don't stray from that 349 or 449 mark.


And I think those are my only questions. Right now I'm looking at spending like $800.00 on all the games and stuff I'd want up front (including the console).

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20gb is plenty of space to store tons of demos and music...only reason you would need 100gb is if you bought a ton of videos on marketplace or want to store a ridiculous amount of music etc. With the elite you also get a hdmi cable, 100gb hd, and its in black so theres really no reason. Definitely go with Pro. Im not sure where to get it cheaper I always use big named companies like eb or best buy for electronics.

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with the 360 you can d/l new songs for GH2 which is total effing hacks.

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buy the cheaper xbox, because it will give your the red blinking lights of death in a year anyway. Have fun!

Edited by Bishop

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Booo halo


PS3 naga!

You say this only becasue your mother never loved you enough, and have a pension for buying over priced undergamed pieces of techno-junk. Good thing it doubles as a blue ray player or I'd never even consider buying it. Ever.

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ps3 is garbage, where are the games, suck it shad

gears > resistance

lair = balls

keep losing exclusives LULZ


The only saving graces are Motorstorm and GOW3

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i wanna play warhawk and heavenly sword.


Warhawk = every other battlefield type game (no skill required) and just play God of War...err. HS looks awesome but the whole fps part (with a crossbow) which is supposably like 30% of the game looks pretty terrible. I do want to play GoW3 and Killzone2 though /sigh

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isnt GH really "keyboard hero".... cause i dont see any strings on it, just button keys..


air guitar is more fun !

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Gran Turismo 5, Metal Gear Solid 4, Assassins Creed, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Final Fantasy one billion, Devil May Cry 4.



Oh and funny how Xbox360s die yet all the hardware reviews say PS3 is one of the most stable and solid systems to date. Suck it Xbox Fan boys :)

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Gran Turismo, meh. Play Burnout.

MGS4, double meh.

Assassins Creed, on 360.

Ninja Gaiden Sigma, ok you got me.

FF 1000000000, triple meh.

DMC4, on 360.


My 360 is running strong, so is Beorn's, so is his brother's, so is everybodies that I know of. Suck it Sony Slut! : P

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just because it looks good doesnt mean it isn't the same game we all played 3 years ago

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my ps3 will work for decades, of my 3 xboxes, 2 of em only lasted 1 year and than blinked red. thnx Bill Gates, quality as usual, Asshole.


Btw, i got warhawk, and it effin rules!!!! battlefield, eat your heart out.

Edited by Bishop

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I have a buddy with a 360 and PS3...neither really have yelled "BUY ME". When he got his PS3 he gave me his PS2 (I never had one) and I promptly bought GH2 for it. So much fun, even the wife plays it.


Here at work we all got Wiis last Christmas from one of our vendors. I don't play it much these days, Zelda is awesome though, but I will be getting GH3 for it and even my wife is excited for the new one.

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just because it looks good doesnt mean it isn't the same game we all played 3 years ago



just sounded snooty like a xbox fanboy ;)

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