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WTB Your Gear PST looking for a Pally

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Yeah that's right, that's the name of the team. :)


Really looking for a pally and I'm open to it being either holy or retribution as I've had past success (I call getting to right at 1700 with an undergeared ret pally and a priest a few months ago successful!) with a ret paladin before. If you're interested, just send me a pm on here or catch me in-game on JRV or my mage Holymight when I'm out farming with him.


So far we have a Warlock, Shadow Priest, Holy Priest, an overly excited French-Canadian mage and my prot specced hunter. The times for doing games will vary depending upon when folks can be on and what not. The amount of games each week will probably be somewhere in the 25-35 range, but really it just depends on how many folks want to do so it could be more or less than that amount.


Anyhow hope to hear from one of y'all Paladins soon!

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