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Funniest Warcraft Related Prank You've Pulled?


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Here's mine. It came about 2 or 3 months back.


A real life friend of mine, Ptybeo(Warlock that got me started on this game), had taken a break from playing this game. When he decided to start back up again he asked me if I would take his Best Buy gift card and get him a game card so he could start playing again. I'm like "sure I'll go get one for you, but you'll have to give me a couple hundred gold (Was trying to save for the epic flying mount) since I'm going to skip lunch to go get one."


He calls about 15 different Best Buys in Dallas to see if any have a game card. He finally gets to the last one and they say they have one left and they'll hold it until I get there. I go and pick it up no big deal. That's when I decided to have some fun at his expense. He called several times to see if I had gotten it, but I didn't answer. Finally when I'm about to get off work I call him up and put him on the speaker phone at work. I proceed to tell him, "Yeah man so you're not gonna believe this, but I went up there to get your game card and the guy sold it to someone else!"


At this point he's pretty pissed and proceeds to say an assorted variety of bad words that my co-workers are getting to hear. He gives them a call and claims to be my boss and that I was sent down there to pick him up a game card for his kids...lol. He cusses out a couple of their employees, tells them he is going to come down there himself to handle the situation and hangs up pissed off at them. At this point he said he was about to call the store and pretend to be someone from Best Buy corporate headquarters who just received a call about his complaint.


Me and my co-workers are dying from laughing so much so I tell him, "You know I found one other store that has a game card and I'll go get it if you give me 300 Gold once you get back in the game. At this point he's desperate and agrees to do it. It is then that I inform him that I had the game card all along and that my co-workers have been listening to his whole rant. I won't repeat all the profanities he said after that, but he hung up cussing at me and my co-workers who he could hear laughing at him.


Oh and I still got the 300 Gold because after he cooled down he admitted no one had gotten him like that in a long, long time. :)

Edited by JR

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Well, this guild that I'm in - we occasionally do Magtheridon. Me and some of the other 'locks like to cast Rain of Fire on everyone during trash pulls to watch them scatter. There's one priest that's really fun to get running...


Oh, wait...



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Well, this guild that I'm in - we occasionally do Magtheridon. Me and some of the other 'locks like to cast Rain of Fire on everyone during trash pulls to watch them scatter. There's one priest that's really fun to get running...


Oh, wait...




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And that is why I always take the first tick of damage, shield and move.

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Well, this guild that I'm in - we occasionally do Magtheridon. Me and some of the other 'locks like to cast Rain of Fire on everyone during trash pulls to watch them scatter. There's one priest that's really fun to get running...


Oh, wait...



You know, I bet if you do that to him outside the dungeon he'll move in much the same manner. /SCATTER!!

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I always enjoyed plumpy getting on other people's accounts and putting all their gear in the bank, destroying their hearthstones and logging them out in the middle of Ogrimar.

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I always enjoyed plumpy getting on other people's accounts and putting all their gear in the bank, destroying their hearthstones and logging them out in the middle of Ogrimar.



I used to be a fan of kiting elite Dragonkin from the Burning Steppes to Redridge to um...Introduce lowbies to high level content a bit earlier than normal.


Getting a lock to summon people over the edge of cliffs.


My latest thing as been to find horde/alliance doing their dailies in blades edge, wait for them to pull a mob (preferably the hounds since you can sit *inside* the mob) and hover over them bringing a ton of flack fire down on their heads.

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Getting a lock to summon people over the edge of cliffs.

No dude, thats a win right there. Such a great mental picture (think Road Runner cartoons).


Lol, oh man.

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Haha one time I borrowed 1,000 gold to get my epic flying form then quit playing the character.


Plumpy had me log into Mt. Hyjal once with no hearthstone and my mount in the bank.


There used to be a bug pre-BC where summoning someone underwater would instantly drown them. Exodia's guild leader, me, and one of the locks had a habit of wiping our raid as we summoned them into feralas for the world dragons. Even after they fixed the bug, if another guild was there most people couldn't load the area and swim up before dying. =]


There was a spot in ashenvale where you could summon over a cliff that would drop them into elites also. ^_^


And of course, as a boomkin, unloading on someone hovering in range on their flying mount. Naturally, they get just out of range and stop, so I fly up, moonfire spam, then cat form. Spirit res for them <3

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Haha one time I borrowed 1,000 gold to get my epic flying form then quit playing the character.


I %*(#ing hate you

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When I was in Apotheosis we were heading off to our Nightly Vael Wipeage and riding down searing gorge what did I find? A lvl 12 who snuck though the gates when one of our disobedient members left early. He was trying to find Stormwind. Now a nice person would have told him to turn around, go to IF and take the tram. I am not a nice person. I msg'd my raid leader and told him I'd be late BUT I had a great surprise on the way. I then followed the lvl 12 as he corpse dragged through the searing gorge. Mobs were literally aggro'ing this dude from across the zone.


After about 30 min he made it to BRM to the utter amazement of the raid. After fucking around even more with this dude it was time to raid and time for my newfound buddy to take the magic portal to SW. So we went down to the MC entrance and I told him to jump through the portal to SW. Obviously he didn't believe me so I told Him I'd show him how it worked then hearth back. Sure enough after watching me go through and come back he jumped right in to his death. I told him he must ahve jumped in the wrong direction and thats why it didn't work. "Next time go Waaaaaay more left man, the magix portal is very touchy". I then put him on ignore and started raiding!


And LOL @ Shikimaru post we did the exact same thing in Immo, well actually only the Hunters did. We would always play each other for loot when someone wasn't on BUT made the AFK person pay for. Keep the gear on, Destroy the hearth and go for a LOOOOONG jump of the backside of Darnasus, GL getting your body back when teh immo locks just tell you to get lost when you ask for a summom. Sithra was dead at the base of Darn at least once a week during aq40/naxx.


And once again here is a :ninja: since we don't get :ninja:'s on Immo forums.

Edited by bigjoan?

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I %*(#ing hate you




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When I was in Apotheosis we were heading off to our Nightly Vael Wipeage and riding down searing gorge what did I find? A lvl 12 who snuck though the gates when one of our disobedient members left early. He was trying to find Stormwind. Now a nice person would have told him to turn around, go to IF and take the tram. I am not a nice person. I msg'd my raid leader and told him I'd be late BUT I had a great surprise on the way. I then followed the lvl 12 as he corpse dragged through the searing gorge. Mobs were literally aggro'ing this dude from across the zone.


After about 30 min he made it to BRM to the utter amazement of the raid. After fucking around even more with this dude it was time to raid and time for my newfound buddy to take the magic portal to SW. So we went down to the MC entrance and I told him to jump through the portal to SW. Obviously he didn't believe me so I told Him I'd show him how it worked then hearth back. Sure enough after watching me go through and come back he jumped right in to his death. I told him he must ahve jumped in the wrong direction and thats why it didn't work. "Next time go Waaaaaay more left man, the magix portal is very touchy". I then put him on ignore and started raiding!


I've never been a raider, but if I was I would've called the day a success and been done after pulling that off. The cruel and unusual aspect of the torture that was done really adds to the hilarity of this. :)

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I forgot about Vael haha...

Our raid leader, Kolin, would choose someone in the raid every week, and if you managed to explode on them you'd get a bonus DKP.


The guild leader got pretty good at hiding in a far corner the moment Vael died every week haha.


The same game happened on the priest calls when Nef was under 20%. =P

Edited by Branham

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