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Yeah, so I'm a bit of a psych dork, but this was pretty cool- found it on wiki. This is the largest psychological/sociological study of gamers (well it has the largest sample group). It's a psych test based on 4 dimensions and I thought the test described my online personality pretty well.




I'm a SEAK


SEAK players are usually very interested in the the 'total experience' of a virtual world--meeting other people and finding the unique places within it. They don't care much for PVP or levelling, but meeting up with online friends to see new parts of the world is usually fun and exciting.


Breakdown: Achiever 40.00%, Explorer 60.00%, Killer 40.00%, Socializer 60.00%


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Based on your answers you are ...




ASKE players like to pit themselves against the grand-challenges of a virtual world. They see grouping and guilds/clans not only as an enjoyable aspect of the social environment, but also as a way to achieve goals that cannot be achieved as an individual.


Breakdown: Achiever 66.67%, Explorer 40.00%, Killer 46.67%, Socializer 46.67%

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KASE players tends to enjoy the PVP aspect most of all, but also likes to pit themself against all the challenges of the PVE environment as well--although the latter is often a means to an end. This type of player will often enjoy PVP that focuses on their skill as an individual contributor (duels, and so forth) more than team-based PVP.


Breakdown: Achiever 53.33%, Explorer 26.67%, Killer 93.33%, Socializer 26.67%

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KESA players are often individuals who like to feel immersed in a virtual worlds and see themselves as a great villain or crusader within that world. They seek out challenges against other players, but they are going to find all the areas of that world. They'll often know about the best hiding places and ambush points.


Breakdown: Achiever 20.00%, Explorer 66.67%, Killer 80.00%, Socializer 33.33%


Not sure if this is accurate or not...I like *knowing* people but not too sure about the whole fame/infamy thing.

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I did mine and it came up




RAAR raar raaar raaaaaar raaar rar. Raaaar rar raaaaar rar rraaaar raar. Raaaaar raaaar raar rar rar raaaaaar. RAAAR RAR! Rar raaaar raaaaaaaaar (raaar raaaar, rar rar raar). Raaaaaar raaar rar rar.


Breakdown: Fur 48.45%, Loincloth 97.55%, Feathers 28.33%, Rar 78.89%

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KASE players tends to enjoy the PVP aspect most of all, but also likes to pit themself against all the challenges of the PVE environment as well--although the latter is often a means to an end. This type of player will often enjoy PVP that focuses on their skill as an individual contributor (duels, and so forth) more than team-based PVP.

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Based on your answers you are ...



ESAK players often see the game world as a great stage, full of things to see and people to meet. They love teaming up with people to get to the hard-to-see places, and they relish unique experiences.


Breakdown: Achiever 46.67%, Explorer 66.67%, Killer 26.67%, Socializer 60.00%



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KASE players tends to enjoy the PVP aspect most of all, but also likes to pit themself against all the challenges of the PVE environment as well--although the latter is often a means to an end. This type of player will often enjoy PVP that focuses on their skill as an individual contributor (duels, and so forth) more than team-based PVP.


Breakdown: Achiever 66.67%, Explorer 13.33%, Killer 86.67%, Socializer 33.33%



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Based on your answers you are ...




KSEA players often seek out PVP in a game, but they are looking to socialize with and form alliances with other players who are interested in doing the same. They often seek out guilds or clans that organize formal PVP events, or work on group strategies and tactics.


Breakdown: Achiever 33.33%, Explorer 40.00%, Killer 86.67%, Socializer 40.00%


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KSAE players often seek out PVP in a game, but they are looking to socialize with and form alliances with other players who are interested in doing the same. They often seek out guilds or clans that organize formal PVP events, or work on group strategies and tactics.


Breakdown: Achiever 40.00%, Explorer 33.33%, Killer 80.00%, Socializer 46.67%

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KASE players tends to enjoy the PVP aspect most of all, but also likes to pit themself against all the challenges of the PVE environment as well--although the latter is often a means to an end. This type of player will often enjoy PVP that focuses on their skill as an individual contributor (duels, and so forth) more than team-based PVP.


Breakdown: Achiever 60.00%, Explorer 26.67%, Killer 73.33%, Socializer 40.00%



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Couldn't figure out what you enjoyed about WoW without a test?




Douchebags enjoy the PvP aspect most of all and like to engage in the skill side of gaming using strategy and a strong knowledge of all other classes. They PvE to help out guild mates who don't see PvP as their priority while loathing every second of it and openly questioning why they signed up again. Unable to stand stupidity they add sarcastic comments to almost everything said but only get a laugh half of the time. The slightest word from an attention whore who thinks they are intelligent, comical, or sexy causes this player to turn up whatever death metal band they happen to be listening to at the moment or insert a random comment about killing babies while reaching for their machete.


Breakdown: Achiever 00.00%, Explorer 00.00%, Killer 99.99%, Socializer 00.01%

Edited by Beornwarrior

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Couldn't figure out what you enjoyed about WoW without a test?




Douchebags enjoy the PvP aspect most of all and like to engage in the skill side of gaming using strategy and a strong knowledge of all other classes. They PvE to help out guild mates who don't see PvP as their priority while loathing every second of it and openly questioning why they signed up again. Unable to stand stupidity they add sarcastic comments to almost everything said but only get a laugh half of the time. The slightest word from an attention whore who thinks they are intelligent, comical, or sexy causes this player to turn up whatever death metal band they happen to be listening to at the moment or insert a random comment about killing babies while reaching for their machete.


Breakdown: Achiever 00.00%, Explorer 00.00%, Killer 99.99%, Socializer 00.01%


Haha, win.

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KESA players are often individuals who like to feel immersed in a virtual worlds and see themselves as a great villain or crusader within that world. They seek out challenges against other players, but they are going to find all the areas of that world. They'll often know about the best hiding places and ambush points.


Breakdown: Achiever 20.00%, Explorer 60.00%, Killer 80.00%, Socializer 40.00%


so far I think thats only me and fefe...

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