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Hey everyone! I actually just wanted to drop a line to see how all y'all were doing! I really miss you guys and I hope everything is going well. You guys rock! I just want to give a special shout out to some people...


Ben - Ben if it weren't for you, I probably would never be /famous... and so for this I must honor you once again *~Kisses you softly~*. Love you man


Stangmeister - Without you I would have never got IN the guild to meet such great people. Thanks a million! I'll send those nak3d pix eventually don't worry


GG - One of the funniest, strangest, and greatest girls I have met on WoW. You make the world laugh, and sometimes cry. But all in good fun right? Hang loose GG!

Ravenheart - My indian brother, how could I forget you? Always made me laugh and kept me company by staying on so damn late! Thanks for the fun, and hope you never change man


Feanore - You one sexy devil my furry friend. Thanks for the chats, the laughs, and the advice. I hope everything is going well for you! I hope you catch a breather sometimes man! You're always so darn busy. But I still love ya


Vanin - Vanin, my old guild class leader, but still a leader in my heart. You rock, and without your guidance to warrior-dom I would not be the warrior I am today (A damn good one might I add!) So my hats off to you sensei


Tutubi - I am not a n00b! Despite all the harsh comments about my lack of skill and attendance in the arena team, you still made me laugh, and for that I thank you. You silly, silly noob.


Plumpy - Oh plumpy, what is there to say really other than you are funny as hell. Keep on keeping on, and enjoy yourself! <3


Ladyakira - Always there to say hi to me when I logged on. We don't get to talk much but I know you still care! So thank you, I always felt so welcomed ^_^


Mekock - I had a lot of fun partying with you my foreign friend. Hope to do it again in the future!


Grenades - I still envy your PvP skills my friend. You are an amazing arms warrior. The best I've ever seen, keep on slashing down those horde. For the alliance!


Heliacon - I'm still fighting for America just for you. ::salute::


Ecthelion - Thanks for the all the fun BG groups. I learned a lot, and you're a great leader. We really stuck it to the horde didn't we? - Your stable boy -


Well until I make this post a bloody novel I suppose I will rap it up. And what better way to rap it up than this:


*~Kisses the guild softly~*

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llawll oh sid.


im talking to you on aim rai now.


and im still not returning that kiss

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after all those kisses I gave you, you didn't mention me?

I guess I'll have to go back to kissing Ben T_T

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F you Sid. First my brother gets a new car then you do. Yes that's right, IM ON YOUR BOARDS BRINGING YOU DOWN.


Btw when does your brother start UCLA?

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/offended i wasnt singled out. GTF--> nub cakes.

>.> <3


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I'm not that busy, you just ALWAYS seem to catch me when I'm following Tutubo around which is like the grand prixx for PvP but with no time for pit-stops.

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F you Sid. First my brother gets a new car then you do. Yes that's right, IM ON YOUR BOARDS BRINGING YOU DOWN.


Btw when does your brother start UCLA?


He starts end of Sept. I think. And bwhaha yes fear my new car. But you got the sticker so you /own me =/...


As for HV, Bently, and Shad.... come on guys you know I can't forget you, but I didn't want to make the post TOO long. As is I had to shorten everyone's personal messages.

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/offended i wasnt singled out. GTF--> nub cakes.

>.> <3


Edit: This is Tranius.

Edited by Cottoneyejoe

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