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So servers go down. Are people looking to play on other servers? Going out? PARTY? Go into withdraw?


What are your plans for the couple of days off?

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I still have a 54 Mage on Alterac Mountains - he might get revisited.


There's also that pesky CCNA Certification I'm supposed to be working on, so perhaps a little book learnin'.


And wifey time. Definitely have some nice wifey time.

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gonna go out tuesday and try to finish some PS2 games like FFXII that i never beat :)


FF 12, pfft! I'm gonna beat ff7 again!


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FF 12, pfft! I'm gonna beat ff7 again!

i think you did your sig wrong, you meant to say 'canada sucks'

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i think you did your sig wrong, you meant to say 'canada sucks'


Awww, but how can we suck, we obviously amuse everyone with our bagged milk, and cold weather!

Edited by emerald

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I LOVE Emerald. He's like, awesome.


Everyone knows Canadians are a stiff breeze away from being on my team, so I love him even more! =D


Krotas taught us this! And Esteban.


/gets fan

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Everyone knows Canadians are a stiff breeze away from being on my team, so I love him even more! =D

Hence, Canada sucks. =P

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Cleaning the house, going on a date and having some man love. you?


same... minus the man-love

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I was invited to the beta of some strategy game that looks like civ..... not much of a plan but i'm not working so meh <.<

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Maybe hop on another server for a little bit. But hair cut, some studying, job searching and so on. A date sounds like a good idea, maybe Laura and I will do that=)

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CS Source!




Also having a jam session with my band "Yous Guys"



Good thinking! ever play cs:s deathmatch?

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why are the servers going down for 2 days?



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Good thinking! ever play cs:s deathmatch?


i like CS:S gun games the best. <3

i can get you an IP to a badass server for em i always play on once i get home.

otherwise filter your maps to "gg" and it'll come up with a list of them


its basically deathmatch, but you start off with a certain gun, kill 2 people, and level to a new gun. it requires being decent with all the guns, including nade and knife. usually they have a mod where a knife kill steals a level and counts as 2 kills for you and whatnot.

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Forum Trolling and playing Isketch with some guild members and Mirc trolls.



I might take you up on CS:S though :P


Hence, Canada sucks. =P


Tru dat yo.

Edited by Atrus

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