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hello FP, it has been months since I have played WoW...Im still level 60...not sure if I am even still part of this guild, but I am looking into getting back into playing very soon. I have been going thru alot of issues in real life...and my life is starting to settle down a little bit. I just got out of a 28 day program and relocated to another state, VA. Unfortunatly, I only have dial up atm and that just won't work. sooooo

soon as I get a real connection I would love to pvp with u guys once again. I miss WoW soooo much. Just thought I would drop a few lines to u guys.

peace and love,


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Welcome to the best state in the Union!


Sic Semper Tyrannis

Edited by Heliacon

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How could some of us from last summer not remember you! :) You were out there PVPing everyday alongside several of us! Darn good hunter that's been sorely missed.


Check your pm's when you get a chance to. Hope to see you back soon!

Edited by JR

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How could some of us from last summer not remember you! :) You were out there PVPing everyday alongside several of us! Darn good hunter that's been sorely missed.


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I dont know Joe. Maybe something like that . ( Humm , a orther hunter at stable . danm I'm good )



Welcome Back Gwen

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