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Maybe its just me but I don't get these straight boss fight videos (not just yours stric =P). Something like the Blackwing Lair video a while back where its shot cinematically and then edited to keep fights interesting and from different points of view is cool. But when its just one guy standing there casting for 6 minutes on a boss I immediately lose interest.

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I enjoy them because I like to see them from different perspectives, or how other guilds do them. For ours, I like to watch them to see where we could improve. Almost like a coach watching replays of old games.


I also enjoy the music choices and what not. Some bosses are a lot more fun to watch than others though. I think I watched strics Flamegore, Firemaw, Ebonroc, Chromaggus and Broodlord vidoes once. Razorgore, Vael and Nef were fun. Just depends on the fight I thinks. VR Videos are always pretty lame, but I can imagine tidewalker, vash, leo and kael to be cool fights to watch.

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As always, awesomely done Chris. =)

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  • 4 weeks later...

the music is really fine..... i like it


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