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so since im pretty much the coolest person ever..


i should be CL#2 :)



/famouser the stang

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oh sak you can be my wingman anyday

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oh sak you can be my wingman anyday


like Maverick and Goose?

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I know Goose dies. Since Sakx is emo and he's horde no one really cares anyway if he dies.



Edited by Morgause

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I know Goose dies. Since Sakx is emo and he's horde no one really cares anyway if he dies.



Why are they wearing those big cool glasses indoors? in class?

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Why are they wearing those big cool glasses indoors? in class?

I um...Think RH should answer this question.


Edited by Feanore

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Look closely at the picture. Ever since I can remember Goose has been poppin his collar. People don't realize that Three 6 Mafia learned how to be ballas from Mav and Goose.

Edited by Morgause

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