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When online I often hear about the bank but maybe I am not looking correctly but I see nothing here to help me understand the system. Can you help? I frequently find stuff that could make its way there and help others. Most of the time I ask and donate stuff but often times no one online needs it . So I just sell it to the vendor for very little cash.



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First off, the bank is available to members, who should be given access to the members active of the forum. That's where the bank actually is. :wink:


Here's a Copy+Paste version of what Arafelz put in the description:






Altafelz - Any Non-Equipable Item (main is Arafelz)

Areus - Any Equipable Item (main is Heliacon)


The role of the bank is to provide items to the guild members when they need them. Including mats for enchants/crafting, patterns/plans for all primary professions, rare items such as cards, class books/items, and a variety of equipment that might be useful.


The current list of items in the Forgotten Prophets bank is here:


Some of the items are broken down into specific category to make it easier for browsing. Column 1 has the item name, as you can see we try to have each item linked to its corresponding thott so you can get more information about it. Column 2 has how many we currently have in the bank. Column 3 has how many we can hold in the bank, this may be how many are in a stack or how many we are looking to have; "xx" means that we will take as many as people wish to donate. This page is updated as often as I can, on average it is every other day.



The bank will take donations of any kind. If we do not have room or cannot use it, the bank will auction or vendor the item for the guild money-pouch. As a rule we sell off any patter/plan that is lower than 250 skill requirement. Since these items are not stackable, they tend ot take up a good amount of space. Donations are not required in any sense, but they are appreciated by the entire guild since it may be something that someone could use. If it is an especially rare/epic item, the bank will do its best to compensate for the donation with gold or karma. See the top of this post as to where each kind of item is sent to.


Withdrawl Requests:

The best way to request a withdrawl is to make a post in this section.


Altafelz and Areus are not main characters so you won't usually get to pst them.


Arafelz and Heliacon don't really want to have a raid interrupted with messages and won't neccesarily be able to switch over immediately.


There has to be a certain level of transparency with the councilors/officers as to who is requesting what and for what purpose


The request will be looked at as soon as we can as will come the response


Fulfillment and Denial

Currently this is in the hands of the Arafelz and Heliacon with input from councilors/officers. If a request is denied a reason will be posted and feel free to respond with questions/concerns.

Considerations include, but are not limited to or hinge upon:


Past donations are taken into consideration -- the guild bank is a group effort, continual requests for withdrawl without donating does not make for a well functioning bank.


Item rarity -- how many does the bank have and how easy would it be to replenish the stock


Purpose -- the guild bank is here to help the guild, not help individuals craft items to sell off. included with this as well is that items should not be requested if they are not going to be used in the very very near future. it does the guild no good to distribute items to a member just to have them sit in their bank.


The most important thing is that the bank does not want to feel like it is being abused or taken advantage of.



There may be times that gold will be requested when withdrawing an item. This is usually saved for the more rare items or from people that have not donated to the bank. The amount is determined on a by-request basis.

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