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We all know christopher walken... we all know he has a disease, and the only prescription to cure him is more cowbell. Hes the worlds greatest actor, he can dance (fat boy slim video), he can be a bad guy, and destroy bad guys in the same goddamn year. Just when i thought christopher walken has done it all, he comes back with even more awesomeness!!!


Christopher Walken the Chef




Now im a fan of chicken... i mean who isnt? (shut up vegans...) And ive had some delicious chicken in my day... but i gotta tell ya, that chicken might be the most delicious chicken ever. Why? because my main man christopher "better than the JESUS" walken made it!! And with pears! So let me do the math for you: Chicken+pears=Delightful, Chicken+pears+Christopher Walken=Me killing myself because nothing will ever be as great as that meal!

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  Bentley said:
Christopher Walken is the man


Dont insult him by calling him a man when he is clearly a deity, he deserves a religion, and a new intelligent species made in his image.

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Here's where I point out that Samuel L Jackson > Chris Walken.

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Christopher Walken is awesome, and one of my favorites, but come on guys.... you CAN'T forget Bruce Campbell...



Hail to the King, baby!

Edited by Miroku

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