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That is intresting, but they chose not to mention some of the good effects. Caffeine gets used in most major migrain and headache medicine, it actually helps the pain reliever get absorbed into the body quicker, and also makes it more potent. Another thing about caffeine is it works you metabolism, now that is caffeine by itself not so much in a soda.




I suppose thats a + for caffeine and not so much for soda=P

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About a month or so ago, studies came out that showed Sodium benzoate to be harmful to your DNA. While the original story has since been removed (censored), i did happen to find one that is still up.


In a recent report published by University of Sheffield professor Peter Piper, he found that sodium benzoate, an ingredient in soft drinks damaged the mitochondria of living yeast DNA cells.



Edited by Bishop

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mutants shall roam the earth! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!


Everyone buy a copy of Doom 3...it's not a game, it's survival training!!

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mutants shall roam the earth! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!


Everyone buy a copy of Doom 3...it's not a game, it's survival training!!


Thats not scary... thats like the coolest outcome possible!

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good thing being in the south...we don't drink soda but coke


you guys up north are screwed though, you'll have soda hungry dna changing unstoppable zombies running around!

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lol tom


man im so screwed.soda zombies o.O

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/drinks 2 mountain dews at the same time

From both ends.



























Yeah, I went there.

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That's not scary. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus (VRE). Those are scary.


That story made me laugh a little though, espec the part about fertility. Can't you just see coca-cola trying to market itself as a birth control or even better guys trying to convince their gfs to drink more coke. "It's cool baby, I don't need a condom. You drank your soda today, right?"

Edited by Morgause

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