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So me and lambofdwarf are sitting in shat talking about the simularities between WoW, and crack, and had many good points.


1. Wow makes you not want to be around anyone else, lets face it, you cant raid and sit at a bar at the same time. Crack makes people not want to be around you, they might thieve you, offer you cheeseburgers, or generally just irritate you.


2. Most of the time wow ends up making you gain weight, usually because of intake of beer and snacks while playing... adversely, crack makes you lose wait, usually because you wouldnt want to waste money on food, when that money can go to more important things... namely, crack.


3. Lastly, and the point of this post, they both make you do things you wouldnt normally do. For instance crack occassionally makes women go the crack whore route. Its the same for wow, some wow women have gone the wow whore way. You may have seen this before, you may not have. Either way this is classic:




Hello I need 5000 world of gold for my epic flying mount. In return you can mount me.


You have to have an account on the laughing skull server and I want the 5000 gold BEFORE we do anything, we can make the trade at your place since I can't host. EDIT: Because I am having a lot of dumb guys message me who clearly don't have the gold make SURE to send: a picture of yourself and a screenshot of your character with the 5000g, I will be checking armory profiles, thanks.


So as you can see, this chick is so addicted, that it has brought her to the point of selling herself for some WoW epic mount goodness. So if you havnt been getting any, got 5000 gold, and can transfer, than this chick will make your dreams come true. Its just a shame she didnt post a pic. Damn wow whore...

Edited by Bishop

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lol i remember reading this months ago, still funny




Still...It does beg the question: If she's so addicted to WoW, you'd think she'd have played long enough to earn the gold herself; I only play casually and hate farming, yet somehow managed to get my epic mount and an overpriced epic staff in a fairly short period of time (and this was months ago now).


I think she resembles a crack whore not so much in that she is merely addicted but also LAZY :tongue:

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It is sad how cases like these become indicators of the overall population.


The other day I got interviewed by the campus newspaper and they were asking me if I had ever run onto something like this. As if every chick on WoW was trying to sell herself for a couple thousand gold on a daily basis.

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It is sad how cases like these become indicators of the overall population.


The other day I got interviewed by the campus newspaper and they were asking me if I had ever run onto something like this. As if every chick on WoW was trying to sell herself for a couple thousand gold on a daily basis.


They dont? christ... all that farming for nothing...

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I work with crack whores and crack heads, so I'm getting a kick outta these replies.


You didn't need to say this Soma...We already knew you were a pimp :tongue:

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