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Bear Grylls


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Granted it might be "fake" but even if he did stay in a hotel once or twice look at some of the other crazy shit he's done.




and to quote wwtdd.com

HE ... BIT ... THE HEAD ... OFF A SNAKE ... AND F*CKING ATE IT. He ate the snake. While it was alive. After he bit off it's f*cking head. Uh, who gives a shit if he stayed in a motel the night before, he's still way more man than I'll ever be. Just like Mariah Carey.


(by the way, Bear was British Special Forces, broke his back at age 22 in a parachuting accident, then climbed Mt. Everest when he was 23. And he named his son Marmaduke. I dare anyone to be cooler than this.

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"it's not my favorite"

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I don't doubt that some of it is setup. Being lost in the ocean and somehow landing perfectly in line with a deserted island was a bit of a stretch. With that said, Man vs Wild is still one of my favorite shows.

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I don't care if it's staged or not. I saw the man BITE A FISH IN HALF!


Smoke and mirrors or legitamate, all I know is if I hear the words "And he's JUST the protein I need" when I'm alone in the woods, I'm running.

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yeah i don't care if its staged, i mean some parts gotta be in order to teach, i suppose. in any case that man is AMAZINGGGGGGGGGGgggggg

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WTF that bitch didn't cook that casserole. She just pulled an already prepared one out of the oven!!!! ZOMGBBQ hang her for it!!!!


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