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I opened the blizzard launcher today and my AVG popped up and yelled at me saying it found a trojan hiding in my WoW files called fmod.dll, so i healed the file and tried opening the blizzard launcher and clicking "play" again, and nothing happened... i did this about 5 times before restarting my computer, only to still have this problem. So i went through my C drive and manually launched WoW (skipping the launcher) and an error popped up saying that WoW could not find the fmod.dll file, and it needed it to launch. I then restored the fmod.dll file through my AVG and tried again, this time getting a different error, reading "the application failed to initialize properly"; so i have no idea wtf is wrong or what the "fmod.dll" file is even supposed to do... if ne1 has had this problem before or knows how i might fix it any help would be appreciated. I REALLY don't want to spend the next 3 days reinstalling WoW and re-DLing all those patches... /cry...


much <3

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I REALLY don't want to spend the next 3 days reinstalling WoW and re-DLing all those patches... /cry...


What you might want to do for next time, install WoW, get it configured the way you want with mod, etc and then backup the "World of Warcraft" directory. Since WoW doesn't use any reg keys you can literally run the wow folder from anywhere. I've even copied my entire WoW folder from my Windows PC to my Mac and run the game from the exact same files. Blizzard is great like that.


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I was about to suggest "ask someone to send you your fmod.dll file" but you solved it before :P


Lyssa is right, I have both Vista and XP on my laptop and WoW is installed on XP, but I can play on Vista too if I manually launch it. (But since Vista is a performance whore, it laaaaaaagggggsssss when I just look at my characters.... lol :o XPFTMFW!! :))

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I was about to suggest "ask someone to send you your fmod.dll file" but you solved it before :P




Lyssa is right, I have both Vista and XP on my laptop and WoW is installed on XP, but I can play on Vista too if I manually launch it. (But since Vista is a performance whore, it laaaaaaagggggsssss when I just look at my characters.... lol :o XPFTMFW!! :))


Really? I switched over to Vista and haven't had any issues with it running WoW.

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Really? I switched over to Vista and haven't had any issues with it running WoW.

Well, maybe it is because Im running it @ max settings and 1680x1050 resolution. lol ^_^; and I think my quality settings in my video card driver are set to "best quality" which probably don't help.


And when I say lag... it was between 15 and 30fps... while in XP I haven'T got lower than 35FPS yet... and that was right in the middle of IF while 2 were dueling and I was shooting frost novas everywhere. LOL

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I had performance issues as well now that I use Vista, but I got some 2 gig RAM and now it's amazing. My brother also changed some setting so that my windows and stuff look less flashy (It looks like Windows 96, but it runs like... fricken... amazing...ness).

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It looks like Windows 96


I giggled but I don't have the heart to insult at all :pirate:

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It looks like Windows 96

96 huh? i bet that SURE looks good, must be like, all black with nothing there. lawl.

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Well, maybe it is because Im running it @ max settings and 1680x1050 resolution. lol ^_^; and I think my quality settings in my video card driver are set to "best quality" which probably don't help.


And when I say lag... it was between 15 and 30fps... while in XP I haven'T got lower than 35FPS yet... and that was right in the middle of IF while 2 were dueling and I was shooting frost novas everywhere. LOL


Same thing happened to me, Frost. Since switching to Vista I've had to tone down my settings a bit. Also, I tried the Creative AlChemy software to enable EAX sound again... Don't try that without having a dual-core machine! You guys saw me "tanking" Attunmen in Kara when EAX brought my machine to its knees.


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Back on topic, if you use AVG they updated the def's at about 7:30 last night to be current and resolve the false positive issue. So if you like me had res sheild off to play yesterday, update and turn it back on!

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