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Title is pretty self-explanatory, let me know if you guys approve this as I wouldn't like to steal your thunder if you have anyone else in mind :tongue:


/salute Hykos, until you decide to come back to the sheep swipe'n bussiness

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Im sure he wont care, he hated it the day after he made it!


Just do yourself a favor, dont include things like +40 spelldmg, they're not that rare anymore.



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YIKES, GL that thing doesn't seem fun at all seeming that there are sooo many individuals who have... so many professions!


I personally ahve had to go to that thread though latly for some rare enchants that not many people have and thankfully I was able to get the enchants rather fast because of it :-D

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Hykos loves the abuse though...I hear he remained resto long after 1.8 =P

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yeah feel free. And yeah /agree with Stag. Soooo many of the enchants especially are not even close to being rare now. So feel free to delete them.



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