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Gryph, Shad, Soma, Heliacon, Raven, GG, 9, Kobah, Sicbo, Ecth, Aelora Ghost and HV

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another option for ya. if you feel like braving our mass-transit system you could take the train to the station below my office building and i could then take you to whereever you're going. just a straight shot through atlanta from the airport to the station. would save having to sit in a lot of freagn horrible friday traffic trying to get to and from the south side of atlanta up to the north.

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If there is something going on Friday night I can always swing by Lemon's and pick Gryph up from there after work if needed.

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Dan, if you're staying in D'ville and getting in that late I might be able to pick you up and take you to klakla's

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  Garnok said:
If there is something going on Friday night I can always swing by Lemon's and pick Gryph up from there after work if needed.


this would also work, that way i don't have to bore him with the ride up 285 and 85. i have a wii and guitar hero, surely i could entertain someone for a few hours ><


whatever needs to happen, just let me know

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I get off work around 5 and it will probably take me about 30 minutes to get down there (I work right at 400 and 285).


And it works for me

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But gryph what ever will you do without your voyeur of a neighbor to entertain you that week? :)

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I think I'm driving up Wednesday... anybody doing anything for the 4th? I heard there is a nice celebration at the olympic park...


I do need a place to stay so if anybody has room for me and (just maybe) beorn (dont hold your breath) let me know!

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  Shadrende said:
But gryph what ever will you do without your voyeur of a neighbor to entertain you that week? :)


For serious! She was out in force last night man, full frontal landing strip and everything! I nearly fell out of my chair.


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lol ghost was telling me about it. That is so funny. Her parents need a clue, and I bet she totally knows people can see too.

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  Drunknduncan said:
If anyone would like to give me a ride I'll be in Dayton, OH. Thanks.



Pffffffff L2plane ticket :)

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When the girl across the street started getting naked in the window!

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lol if you ever try to sell your house Gryph you have to invite the guy over at night. It will inflate your property value ;)

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duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude /excited!!


So yeah, I'll try not to be passed out for the whole day when I get there; if things go to plan and I manage to stay awake throughout the flight to Seoul, then I should be able to pass out on the 13 hour flight and be reasonably fresh for when I get there.. ohh man, I'm gonna need a cigarette so bad...


4 days! ooooooooooomg

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I think that Aelora is heading up there this weekend? Not sure she's being kind of cagy about it. I should be in town the 14th, I'm still debating flying or not. That's the down side of owning a car you built, you wanna use it WAY more then you probably should. Hin knows what I'm talking about.


If I get a flight (which I probably will I just have to break it to the car) I'll give you guys a heads up on when I'll be in town.

As per the last time I came I'll have some cigars on hand ready to go, and maybe some gentleman jack for the rest of you heathens.

Edited by Ecthelion

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Since Chris is slacking, we will be driving down on Friday the 13th. Should get there in the neighborhood of 11pm. If I feel like getting written up, we may be there 4-6 hours earlier. We know the way so no special arrangements need be made for us. You'll know we're there when we beg for the gate to be opened.

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Sooooooo slight complication involving my visa and the US embassy being douchebags and totally screwing a brotha over...


Basically my flight's being pushed back 1 day exactly, so I'll be arriving on the 7th at 11am instead.


/sadface, but I'll be sure to push my flight back to KL back by 1 day too =)

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OMG I know I'm late but I wanna go to KlaKla's tooooo!!! <3 falafel and project runway...can we drink mimosas or lush slushes while we're at it??

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