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Big Basin has been a supposed hot spot for these modern day UFO sightings which are more than mere lights in the sky as you can see. Some of the crafts pictured you can actually see 'text' written on them. Well usually when the next level UFO sightings happen someone posts somewhere about how they've work with technology at work or the aliens themselves blahblahblah. This guy states that the texted (hes calls it a 'langauge' kinda loosely) is the fuctional technolgy of the craft itself.


He talks about how the technology works. Its the 'presence' of the technology he talks about that is mind blowing.


Most of you might have heard of quantum computing. Quantum computing is on its way and will do much more than redefine technology. Its the next level of computers, like cave writings to current day.


Modern computers calculate ones and zeros. The next level would be quantum computing. The bit is no longer a one or a zero, its an equation of complex numbers complied into a single 'qubit'. Its hard to explain quantum computing and how it reads the information, however if you understand how binary is currently read-calculated-utilized, think of it as 3d binary. Its on and off at the same time, multiple times represented in one unit.




The technology discribe by this man would be the next level of technolgy beyond quantum computing. He calls it 'langauge' and its a functional blueprint. You cannot write code on a piece of paper and it works. With this technology, it kinda does.


The forms of the shapes, symbols and arrangements thereof is itself functional.
which means no single detail can be created, removed or modified independently.


Weather this guy is fake talking theory or weather its true, its still mind blowing. I seriously have the hugest mental erection ever imagined right now. 300-qubit big.







Edited by Joesf

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hmm. i read all of that and... definitely a lot to think about o_O his explanation of the "language" is incredible. i didn't really get the whole antigravity thing though ..

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hmm. i read all of that and... definitely a lot to think about o_O his explanation of the "language" is incredible. i didn't really get the whole antigravity thing though ..


Klakla was here!

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i've always been a skeptic on such things; but this has probably been the closest to believing that aliens are flying over our heads and studying us i've ever come


although i find it hard to believe that if everything he said rlly is true, why aliens would apparently give us some of their technology; if they have those little hovership things all over the place stealthed like that then they cearly want to study our development not help us along the way... and if they did give us some tech one would think they look upon us as equals capable of understanding their science and using it ourselves, leading one to wonder, why be so secretive about it, and why (apparently) only give one government the tech instead of revealing yourselves to the whole world. Surely they would have learned enough to know we divide ourselves amongst nations before giving us technology hundreds of years beyond our own development.


But like i said, i don't rlly believe in such things; it's always been human nature to want to feel humbled in some way; and have something unknown, even scary keeping us in check <insert stang's sig here>


and yes... i do have a bad habbit of overthinking things... what can i say; i get bored easily

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A bunch of poeple have been saying its jsut viral advertising but who cares.


The theory of the technology is whats cool and thats what truly drives us to develope 'the next level'. 100 years ago computers would be alien technology. 1000 years ago nuclear weapons would have been alien technology. Look how fast technolgy and science has advanced since the computer and the faster computers get the faster technology will evolve.


Why give us such technolgies? To us its amazing, incredible and to the point people think its fake. Would you think twice about giving a caveman a calculator? He'd probably react the same way if someone gave you one of these 'drones'. You wouldn't even know what to do with it. Would you be worried or scared to give an Egyptian a cell phone? Anti-grav to them might be sold at your local 7-11 so why be worried about giving it to a civilization behind on the curve, I mean, it only causes things to float.


/bawls deep

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Weather this guy is fake talking theory or weather its true





/science gooooo

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I honestly don't believe it. The dude didn't seem genuine to me, he seemed to be trying for details of his time in CARET to confirm his authenticity. Which is fine and all, but when you know secrets that can turn peoples worlds upside down, and you've worked with alien technology, I'd think he could drop a hint from his research to blow us away and make us say "this dude is f'real." But he doesn't, he talks about how many pages of paper it takes to keep them from making noises.

He uses it as a tool to grant himself as believable, which wouldn't be necessary for someone who in fact is authentic.


Alot of the symbolism used on the "alien hardware" is katakana. Not it looks like katakana, half those symbols are straight up katakana. x_x


Edit: Lol, look at reply #13 to the forum link. Says its all hiragana and katakana.

Edited by Branham

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