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dude, what the hell is wrong with you? that was so random.. oh man.. duuuude

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I almost clicked the link and then remembered: I really could care less if Paris Hilton were to diaf irl (the world might even become a better place for it)

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this was on digg.com yesterday its actually one of th emore worth while videos ive seen in a while. The news anchor couldnt agree more with you fifi :)

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Finally, someone reacting! I was watching MSNBC the other day, and the anchor was interviewing someone and there was an involved socio-political discussion on current politics, the situation in iraq, etc. The interview was interrupted mid way through (very rude to the interviewee) because of the "breaking news" regarding paris hilton. The media in this nation really needs some help. Either that, or the people who think what happens to hilton is more important than real news (and then force the networks to act accoridngly for ratings) need to change. /rant off. :pinch:

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nice, the first thing good i've seen from MSNBC in a long time.

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i want her for president


We're about due for another presidential assasination. Bring it

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FINALLY ... someone actually had some sense in their head. They should've left her in for her full 45 days.... I KNEW it never would happen. Celebrities just live in different worlds..

Edited by Miroku

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FINALLY ... someone actually had some sense in their head. They should've left her in for her full 45 days.... I KNEW it never would happen. Celebrities just live in different worlds..


she isn't even a "celebrity"... she's a baby that's used to having everything her way


ppl like that disgust me

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she isn't even a "celebrity"... she's a baby that's used to having everything her way


ppl like that disgust me


Touché ...and agreed.


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miroku and krotas' avatar made me do a double-take. i thought it was a double-post thing but they are different.

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miroku and krotas' avatar made me do a double-take. i thought it was a double-post thing but they are different.


... u mixed up miroku with sasuke...?


GTF --->

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even sadder still: Canadians watch this crap cuz the news up here are soooooooo boring.

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