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Comic Con Attendees!


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So, yeah the event is about a month away, but I wanted to find out when people were going to San Diego, how long they were staying. What if anything they had planned etc etc. maybe even put a few contact numbers out there so we could call each other and meet up. =)


Cat and I are landing late tuesday night and leaving late saturday night. Probably renting a car, don't have the essentials yet.


theres a ton to do in San Diego, and if me and the woman get bored might head up to LA, hit the movie scene maybe go to Six Flags. We'll see..


so hit me back peeps, lets meet and get a cocktail..


god that sounded aweful!

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If you get bored, just head on over to the zoo, could probably waste an entire day or 2 over there.

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We'll be there Thursday morning and leaving Sunday night.


I'll yell "Newsteam Assemble" as I get off the plane, and you should be able to track me down by all sort of assortment of bad jokes after that.



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Wish I were going. SD is my home-town and I used to go allot, but the trek from SF has become less frequent now that most of my friends and family are up here in the Bay Area as well.


Anyway, I highly recommend wasting a few hours out in the 'Gaslamp district' which is only about 5 blocks east of the convention center; Very cool little area with tons of cafes, bars and restaurants (oh, and they have a Hooters there too =P).

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Please Gar, the woman already has a day set aside for the zoo.. all I can keep thinking about is the Rocky line, something about retards and the zoo..


and I was planning on going to the gaslamp district. I've had nine people tell me a bazillion places to go eat, drink, see there..


wait a sec. someones summoning the news team. I gotta jet!!

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See you guys later today :) I definitely wanna take some of you to the Pacific Ocean and Bronx pizza !

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We didn't go QQ. BUT i have some pics of the guys having fun in SD :) I'll post em up soon

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we're still here! SEND SUPPLIES! Kimball is looking at all of us like we're a good source of protein!



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Dont worry, it would take more than just the few of you to satisfy him.

Edited by dragonlgnd

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Hope you had fun guys!




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I notice someone still hasn't gotten a haircut! lol now that he's not working I think Tom can grow the beard out again and try to be a furbolg irl. <3

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Wow, a friend of mine is in that first pic who I havent seen since my wedding=P, and where's a pic of you Roxee???


Im sure everyone had alot of fun, I know I did every year I went.

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I'm very unphotogenic lol.

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awesome another bad photo of me! gg hooters for sucking and making me look bad in pictures.

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awesome another bad photo of me! gg hooters for sucking and making me look bad in pictures.



Wait I thought people went to hooters to have bad pictures taken of themselves. Why else would you go there?


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Wait I thought people went to hooters to have bad pictures taken of themselves. Why else would you go there?



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The guy in the third picture in the "Poker Championship" had his photo face on too! lawl!

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