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I finally got around to reading this thread after it hit 3 pages. I wish I would have gone to bed.


And Ect, you will always be a GM to me bro, even if you dont have the official title. You spent as much time in BGs as anyone. For Christ's sake, just put on your Justicar title and no one will know.

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hahaha duuuude ghost, I just spent like half an hour reading through this thread and I missed happy hour.. laame


After reading through this and had a good think about some of the things said, I was fairly rash with my instant flame of the attunement quest lifting. I guess I didn't really take into consideration that not every guild has 25-35 players that can commit enough time to complete difficult heroics quickly. Come to think of it, we'd probably be stuck for a little bit with like 20 people attuned, or having 1 person d/c during a raid and not being able to find an attuned replacement even though there are 20 other 70s online.


I suppose this is just Blizzard's way of narrowing the gap between the hardcores and the casuals, but the way I saw this constant stream of nerfs initially was that they were just removing challenge after challenge, making it harder to distinguish yourselves from other guilds/players at around the same progression level as you. That and I hate it when I have an Ecthelion pulled on me. That's right, the whole GM mishap and any incident that is similar is now called an Ecthelion. /feelsyourpain

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As for the group I'm in I'm a B, and I'm slowly sliding into C category. Trying not to, but it's damn hard when all I receive is PSTs and forum messages from a guild of 70 and a subguild of 110 complaining about loot, rules, who did what to who, who won't help, can their brother/sister/4th cousin from mars apply to the guild.



I hear ya brotha!

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Phelan Kell for GM President.



I am for the attunements. It seperates the people that are willing to work for the challenge and the people that are along for the ride. I wish there was a PvP BG that had an attunement as difficult as TK or SSC or even required a Justicar tag. Keep the casuals in candyland and let the hardcores have their fun.



Ecth you may not have the GM tag, but seriously... who else gets posts about how their AB team is the best on Ruin?





Edited by Joesf

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I'm happy with that . no more Attunements for those places. anyway I will still perfect pvping.


PVP ftw








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I'm happy with that . no more Attunements for those places. anyway I will still perfect pvping.


PVP ftw






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I dont like the fact they took attunements out of the game. I think they train players for challenges that will come in the new content. Some of this was actually pointed out by ghost last night in some tells (ghost making a point wtf? lolol) he told me that Void Reaver was like a Prince fight on crack, shadow nova = pound, orbs = infernals. Basic ideas are the same just much faster paced. I think people that have done fights like that will have a better chance at success. This isnt saying the fight can't be learned but its a ramp rather than a sheer cliff. The smaller 5 man heroics are good practice for people to get their skills down. If anyone hasn't noticed, 25 mans leave a lot less room to slack off than 40 mans, so it is vital everyone be on their A game if they want to see progress. If people are completing the 5 man heroics they are building skills to perform better in the 25 mans. I do think the TK attunement was a bit excessive especially since so many people needed to be attuned and not everyone has the time but the idea behind it was good.

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Qucik question about those Ex. attunement or whatever we call that . Does it was really hard to complet all those quest ? Me I dont know I didn't try. If yes . Maybe that why Blizz.. remove the attunements for those places. Because on the server I'm now , ROFL alot of guild still working on Gruul's lair . So, Blizz took maybe that decision , because they dont want people get piss off , bored and tried with those quest and stop playing WoW .




/I miss you FPs






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It was a pain pre 2.1 Heroic nerfs. It turned into a marginal time sink that people continued to cry about and got removed.


The hardest one was Arcatraz. Not saying it was hard.... just the hardest of the 4 heroics that had to be done.

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Qucik question about those Ex. attunement or whatever we call that . Does it was really hard to complet all those quest ? Me I dont know I didn't try. If yes . Maybe that why Blizz.. remove the attunements for those places. Because on the server I'm now , ROFL alot of guild still working on Gruul's lair . So, Blizz took maybe that decision , because they dont want people get piss off , bored and tried with those quest and stop playing WoW .




/I miss you FPs








Twigs! Are you coming back to Skullcrusher when your transfer is up or WHAT?!?! We miss you.



As for the heroics, I never completed the Shattered Halls. I had done through the first boss for the other quest and that was insanely rough. This was all pre-first nerf so maybe it isnt too bad now. I thought Arcatraz was pretty easy really. (post-nerf)

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Couldn't Twigs get his warrior undeleted and have a level 60 ready to go?

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Twigs! Are you coming back to Skullcrusher when your transfer is up or WHAT?!?! We miss you.

As for the heroics, I never completed the Shattered Halls. I had done through the first boss for the other quest and that was insanely rough. This was all pre-first nerf so maybe it isnt too bad now. I thought Arcatraz was pretty easy really. (post-nerf)


I ran Heroic Arc a few days ago. It was also pretty easy for me too. The group only disbanded because the warrior had to leave right before Soccothrates and Daliah, and it had taken us 45 minutes to find a tank before the run started.

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Yeah Bentley, post nerf Heroic Arcatraz is a joke. Given that we didn't attempt the first boss because of lack of Shadow Resistance, I'm pretty sure that if your tank is geared appropriately, even he will be easy. The only thing that actually wiped us was an infernal before the last boss; those guys pack a mean meteor!


As for the last boss, we relied on Ben's shadowy goodness to keep the tank alive and I just healed whoever got mind-rended. He didn't mind-rend nearly as often as I remember him doing before, so it was pretty much 5 flasks for nothing haha


We never got round to doing Shattered Halls, although I think that it would be the most challenging, simply because of the strict group composition requirements and the time restraint on reaching the last boss.

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I'm happy with that . no more Attunements for those places. anyway I will still perfect pvping.


PVP ftw







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I did my SL and SV trials before the nerf and I'd hardly call either a time-sink.


As most of you know I don't have that much time to put into this stuff and I won't lie: I hate heroics. Point is, I'm far from hardcore these days and I was on my way to completing all the trials BEFORE the nerf. I personally think Blizz is taking the whole 'casual gamer' appeal to disproportionate levels.


Do I care? Not really; Es un juego...


But there is 0 motivation to do heroics for most people now. Hell, you can be mediocre in arenas and get better gear in a few weeks without having to commit several hours of a given day (not to mention repair costs, pots and other consumables).


So, in conclusion, even as a casual gamer, I don't really see why Blizz did this especially considering they made heroics easier last patch...But then I also never understood paying real-world money for in-game currency or having someone level a toon for me. /boggle

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A lot of it has to do with the way Heroics were implemented. All the gear is the same sans a few purple pieces that are almost interchangable with the blue from non heroic, and some of the worst itemized gems in the game.


Heroic pve gems with spell hit and resil, wtf?


That and when heroics first came out they weren't tuned. Basically it's the same mobs and bosses but now the mobs hit 5x harder and the bosses get one sneaky new ability that can typically be ignored. The only things heroics are good for is attunement quests, now that attunements are no more they will really just rot on the vine. Hell more people are doing AQ40 than doing heroics.

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