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To the people who all feel they got screwed, you need to remember that this is Blizzard. They don't care about your time spent doing anything, but moreso that the masses continue to keep playing and paying. Just ask Ecth what its like to put time into achieving something, to have Blizzard completely take it away. Even to a lesser extent when I farmed the Eye of Shadow before they changed its drop rate. So spending a few nights in heroics wasn't really that bad, especially compared to other moves theyve done in the past. With that said, I'm glad they decided to change attunements as now when we go into SSC we can bring everyone, and not have to leave out a fellow guildie just because he still needs to do a random heroic run.

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With that said. It has bless FP because people like Gryph and Lyrin and other great people who just can not spend the amount of time on game as others now can also attend and help and see new content.



Hey you! I play 1 day a week Maybe! And I was still almost attuned to everything :-P

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you do realize that pre-BC was exactly the same, right... :blink:



Yes Bw, that's what I meant. After 2 + years it's the exact same thing. BC is nothing but the same stuff with a different name.


Oh and for the record Bent, I'm not excited about this because I'm a "slacker". I had my ssc and was working on my trials. I am happy for it for the same reasons you are, the people who don't have time to waste on meaningless trials will still be able to see this "new content".

Edited by Morgause

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This is going to make me sound like an ass, but we were talking about this the other night while we were doing some arenas; I got the great laugh over it.


Well, less like an ass and more like a vindicitive son of a bitch. (Not the guild, that joke's been done a few times.)

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The game will always be a bunch of pixels. There isn't a patch that can cure that and the game will always seem better when you first started it...because everything was new.


I think for most of us, we play because we enjoy conquering content with friends that we gotten through the years of playing together. The game is just a huge chat window with pretty pixels to occupy your time between chatting. If the people you socialize stop playing the game, I doubt most of us would stick around...just because the actual gameplay is repetative and boring. I'd rather play a single player game where I have the luxury of saving my game anytime I want and also a storyline.


That being said, I think not requiring attunement just prolonged the life of the game for those people who were thinking of leaving because the grind was getting to them.

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The game will always be a bunch of pixels. There isn't a patch that can cure that and the game will always seem better when you first started it...because everything was new.


I think for most of us, we play because we enjoy conquering content with friends that we gotten through the years of playing together. The game is just a huge chat window with pretty pixels to occupy your time between chatting. If the people you socialize stop playing the game, I doubt most of us would stick around...just because the actual gameplay is repetative and boring. I'd rather play a single player game where I have the luxury of saving my game anytime I want and also a storyline.


That being said, I think not requiring attunement just prolonged the life of the game for those people who were thinking of leaving because the grind was getting to them.



I agree 100%. The people are the only reason I still play this game. If it were actually about the pretty pixel gear and killing a boss I wouldn't be here. If I never killed another new boss in this game it wouldn't make me one bit of difference. What would matter is if I couldn't play with the people I like, and a lot of the people I like didn't have time for the grind. So for that I thank Blizzard.


I guess I just don't get why some people are feeling so upset, if you did all the quests then you made some gold and they may even add some sort of uber reward later so it's not a total loss. As it was mentioned earlier Blizzard has screwed people over on much larger things than this.

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I'm still making PR do them, people who completed the trials get preferential invites so the accomplishment doesn't go unheeded.


man, i wish vind had taken this approach


maybe then i wouldn't have been sat out last night for void reaver while two people who never finished their stuff went instead



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I agree 100%. The people are the only reason I still play this game. If it were actually about the pretty pixel gear and killing a boss I wouldn't be here. If I never killed another new boss in this game it wouldn't make me one bit of difference. What would matter is if I couldn't play with the people I like, and a lot of the people I like didn't have time for the grind. So for that I thank Blizzard.


I guess I just don't get why some people are feeling so upset, if you did all the quests then you made some gold and they may even add some sort of uber reward later so it's not a total loss. As it was mentioned earlier Blizzard has screwed people over on much larger things than this.


Well let's take a look at my guild with the changes.


I have 4 groups of people in my guild.


Group A) they live this game and slammed out the attunements as soon as they could find the people to get them done. They're attuned for everything, read up on fights ahead of time and bring enough supplies for 2 full raids to go all night long.


Group B) These guys and gals would love to be like group A but they have time constraints that prevent it, whether it be timezone, work, school, family, etc. in turn these guys farma ton and donate to the guild.


Group C) They're online all the time, typically with one finger on the keyboard and the other up their ass. They have maxed fishing, not for guild benefit but because they'd rather do fishing and bitch about not getting a raid invite than assist someone or get assistance in doing the attunements. They are purely egotistical and refuse to do anything to help another person.


Group D) These people have tried and tried to get the attunements done and can't do it. Their focus is off, their gear is shitty, they have problems figuring out what the hell to do, and since BC has come out, they just haven't learned anything. In vanilla wow they were heroes, but in BC they just can't break the rocks again like everyone else.


Group A is your hardcore group.

Group B is your average player

Group C is a pathetic waste of time

and Group D are the guildless people.


A and B are pissed off about the change. Although the Change benefits group B greatly, they're still a little disappointed they didn;t get it done before the bar was lowered. Group A is really pissed because now SSC and TK will turn into barrens chat.


Group C and D are psyched because now there is no excuse to not invite them to raids. Even though they refuse to put the time in to either do the attune, or learn their class again, they're gonna raid whether you like it or not.


That's why a lot of us are rather disappointed with the attunements being lifted. You're probably in group B, but from B it's real easy to go to C.

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Well let's take a look at my guild with the changes.


I have 4 groups of people in my guild.


Group A) they live this game and slammed out the attunements as soon as they could find the people to get them done. They're attuned for everything, read up on fights ahead of time and bring enough supplies for 2 full raids to go all night long.


Group B) These guys and gals would love to be like group A but they have time constraints that prevent it, whether it be timezone, work, school, family, etc. in turn these guys farma ton and donate to the guild.


Group C) They're online all the time, typically with one finger on the keyboard and the other up their ass. They have maxed fishing, not for guild benefit but because they'd rather do fishing and bitch about not getting a raid invite than assist someone or get assistance in doing the attunements. They are purely egotistical and refuse to do anything to help another person.


Group D) These people have tried and tried to get the attunements done and can't do it. Their focus is off, their gear is shitty, they have problems figuring out what the hell to do, and since BC has come out, they just haven't learned anything. In vanilla wow they were heroes, but in BC they just can't break the rocks again like everyone else.


Group A is your hardcore group.

Group B is your average player

Group C is a pathetic waste of time

and Group D are the guildless people.


A and B are pissed off about the change. Although the Change benefits group B greatly, they're still a little disappointed they didn;t get it done before the bar was lowered. Group A is really pissed because now SSC and TK will turn into barrens chat.


Group C and D are psyched because now there is no excuse to not invite them to raids. Even though they refuse to put the time in to either do the attune, or learn their class again, they're gonna raid whether you like it or not.


That's why a lot of us are rather disappointed with the attunements being lifted. You're probably in group B, but from B it's real easy to go to C.


I'm glad you can make assumptions about me based only on the fact that I'm happy for the people who didn't have time to do the trials etc. You're so right about me, I'm a group B player. In fact I'm such a group B player I'm still working on getting to lvl 70.......on 3 more charecters. You can think whatever you want though, I'll let you believe it too. Although according to you I am damn near C quality since I've maxxed out fishing, even though I did it while grinding my pvp gear.I'm sorry if I don't feel the lifting of these attunements to be the worst thing to ever happen to players. I'm pretty sure it was when Blizz effed up the pvp system and those who were so damn close to GM could no longer obtain the title. I also was not a fan of when all the gear got upgraded etc and if you had the displeasure of already having the set but had lost the rank you couldn't even upgrade the junk without redoing the grind. You should make another group.


E.) These are the people who have been playing this game since day 1. They've raided and pvped hardcore on just about every class in game and still find the most interesting part of this game to be the people they play with.Therefore they are happy that the people they enjoy playing with who did not have the time for useless grinds ( that's all the attunements were. they didn't mean you were more skilled or had a bigger penis, it meant you had the time to do it) People in group E find people who take this game and it's cartoon gear too seriously to be totally amusing.




Btw, while you're throwing around retarded assumptions about me, you should prob assume I'm a guy. We all know girls don't play video games and the ones that do aren't hardcore and have no skill at all.


Much <3 GG

Edited by Morgause

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I'm glad you can make assumptions about me based only on the fact that I'm happy for the people who didn't have time to do the trials etc. You're so right about me, I'm a group B player. In fact I'm such a group B player I'm still working on getting to lvl 70.......on 3 more charecters. You can think whatever you want though, I'll let you believe it too. Although according to you I am damn near C quality since I've maxxed out fishing, even though I did it while grinding my pvp gear.I'm sorry if I don't feel the lifting of these attunements to be the worst thing to ever happen to players. I'm pretty sure it was when Blizz effed up the pvp system and those who were so damn close to GM could no longer obtain the title. I also was not a fan of when all the gear got upgraded etc and if you had the displeasure of already having the set but had lost the rank you couldn't even upgrade the junk without redoing the grind. You should make another group.


E.) These are the people who have been playing this game since day 1. They've raided and pvped hardcore on just about every class in game and still find the most interesting part of this game to be the people they play with.Therefore they are happy that the people they enjoy playing with who did not have the time for useless grinds ( that's all the attunements were. they didn't mean you were more skilled or had a bigger penis, it meant you had the time to do it) People in group E find people who take this game and it's cartoon gear too seriously to be totally amusing.

Btw, while you're throwing around retarded assumptions about me, you should prob assume I'm a guy. We all know girls don't play video games and the ones that do aren't hardcore and have no skill at all.


Much <3 GG


Well damn!


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I think he was saying how it is for his guild, we're the grand test and compeltly unique, we don't fit into his list and that's the way we like it. If it works for his guild, good for him, I'm happy I'm in FP and this change was really good for us. FPFTMFW :)

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I think he was saying how it is for his guild, we're the grand test and compeltly unique, we don't fit into his list and that's the way we like it. If it works for his guild, good for him, I'm happy I'm in FP and this change was really good for us. FPFTMFW :)



I know what he was saying about his guild. I'm glad his guild is happy with whatever they're doing. I never said anything about him or his guild. He, however, did feel the need to judge me based only on the fact that I said I was happy for the changes and that imo the trials were a bit lame to begin with. "You're probably in group B, but from B it's real easy to go to C."

I just felt the need to let him know his assumptions were off base.

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You want to assume I'm making baseless assumptions about you.


I really don't know you therefore I can't make any assumption, however, you make your stance very clear. You're tired of the game and use it as a social outlet now. I can respect that. There's no need to get pissy about it. I was using my guild as an example to show you why some people are really displeased with the lifting of the attunements. It'd be kinda like turning the legal drinking age and having a bill passed through congress lowering it to 5 years old the next day. A lot of people would be displeased. Is it reasonable or rational, not really, but I can see why people would not like it.


As for the group I'm in I'm a B, and I'm slowly sliding into C category. Trying not to, but it's damn hard when all I receive is PSTs and forum messages from a guild of 70 and a subguild of 110 complaining about loot, rules, who did what to who, who won't help, can their brother/sister/4th cousin from mars apply to the guild.


As for the assuming you're a guy comment, I'm the GM of a guild where 75% of my Class officers are female, and the majority of my good players are female.


Now who's tossing around baseless assumptions.

Edited by Phelan Kell

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I may not be from forgotten prophets, but i do beleive that this is their forum, and regardless of your stance or debate on the subject, you should still respect the members of FP, without making assumptions.


Attunements being gone only removes an obstacle that can be done with a 5 man group rather easily (and i do mean easily). These quests were just a series of time sinks to keep alot of casual guilds from raiding high-end content. With the removing of these, it allows guilds that dont have a ton of time during the day (due to work, school, rl issues, whatever) to actually sit down and be able to raid at night.


With that being said, it doesn't matter who is attuned, or what they went through to get attuned, just because they are attuned does not mean somone will get "free boss kills." The true test of skill does not come from getting a series of 5 man quests done, followed by medicore raid boss, which you would have killed anyways regardless of attunement. The true test comes from being able to walk into TK and SSC, and actually work together enough to down new content.


Sorry if i come off strong, but everyones opinions (and forums) should be respected.






-Pipizzle :pirate:

Edited by Pippy

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You want to assume I'm making baseless assumptions about you.


I really don't know you therefore I can't make any assumption, however, you make your stance very clear. You're tired of the game and use it as a social outlet now. I can respect that. There's no need to get pissy about it. I was using my guild as an example to show you why some people are really displeased with the lifting of the attunements. It'd be kinda like turning the legal drinking age and having a bill passed through congress lowering it to 5 years old the next day. A lot of people would be displeased. Is it reasonable or rational, not really, but I can see why people would not like it.


As for the group I'm in I'm a B, and I'm slowly sliding into C category. Trying not to, but it's damn hard when all I receive is PSTs and forum messages from a guild of 70 and a subguild of 110 complaining about loot, rules, who did what to who, who won't help, can their brother/sister/4th cousin from mars apply to the guild.


As for the assuming you're a guy comment, I'm the GM of a guild where 75% of my Class officers are female, and the majority of my good players are female.


Now who's tossing around baseless assumptions.


The female part was a joke aka /sarcasm. How can you compare SSC and TK attunements to 5 yr olds being able to drink? Is it dangerous for people who didn't get attuned by the time sink method to be in these places? Are they doing serious dmg to themselves? I was told that SSC and TK are now meaningless because of this attunement lift? I find that thought mind boggling! So what everyone can now go in to the instances. Does that mean that every guild that goes in will clear it or have great success? No! The attunements themselves were not the test of your guild. IMO the attunements were time sinks. As far as me being tired of the game etc yes there are parts of this game that are retarded. This however is not just a social outlet. I do still play the game rather hardcore. Admittedly not as hardcore as I did for the years I was in Vind. I like that about FP. It's a game to FP, not a job.(Pippy will tell you he was a hardass when he was GM.) I really love and appreciate that about FP.


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Pippy will tell you he was a hardass when he was GM.)


Me a hardass? HA! never.


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Me a hardass? HA! never.



LOL! Yeah Pippy. Not like you demanded 80% or higher raid attendance or else /gkick. Mine was what 98%? It took Katrina destroying my state to knock it that low. Not that I had a choice anyway. Seriously did you ever let another priest in your group? Maggiepie was always in your group. I smell a /abuse of power!

Edited by Morgause

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LOL! Yeah Pippy. Not like you demanded 80% or higher raid attendance or else /gkick. Mine was what 98%? It took Katrina destroying my state to knock it that low.


you loved it ; :wub:

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why is it ne1 who ever hangs around our forums for 5 minutes ends up writing entire books of text talking to gg?


....is there ne1 u DON'T know on this server...?


some guy in rage perhaps? =P



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how bout you Bramas?

Edited by Bentley

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I HATE that they've removed attunements. HATE it


stupid blizzard, gone an removed another challenge from the game. I wonder which dumbass is actually gonna do those heroic anymore..


I don't get this agitated about many things, but I just can't stand how all Blizzard have done since BC came out is nerf nerf nerf nerf. Enough rambling, I'll smash something soon



That's exactly how I felt about pvp.


Then I got over it and helped my friends get gear. It'll all work out, our you'll get so tired of the constant bar lowering that you'll stop paying Blizzard for their services. That or you'll just smoke more, I think after the pvp patch I went through a box of cigars in a week. Just replace the tobacco and all's right with the world man. :)



* Thought this deserved a posting over here. IF I (type A personality, hates loosing, has tolerated stupidity so long that the mere hint of it makes me alt- F4, hard drinking, cigar smoking, horde smash ... well not any more really ... Warrior healing even though I hate it, son of a @!#$) can get over NEVER EVER BEING ABLE TO FINISH THE ONE THING IN THIS GAME THAT I WANTED TO DO. Then you'll get over everyone else having access to a few more dungeons.


/needs more cigars and booze...


Edited by Ecthelion

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