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Just saw it on Worldofraids.com


here the link http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.h...37185&sid=1 should work now





After a lot of thought and deliberation, we’ve decided to remove the attunement requirements to enter Serpentshrine Cavern and Tempest Keep: The Eye. While many of our attunements in the Burning Crusade have been good progression checks, a few of the attunements have turned out to cause unnecessary stress on guilds either doing the content or attempting to do the content. With Black Temple and Battle for Mount Hyjal thriving, we want to encourage (rather than prevent) new guilds and raid groups to attempt Serpentshrine and TK. We are going to leave the current attunement quests in the game so that players can still engage in the challenge and the lore of those quests should they choose to. At a later point, we are considering adding a final reward step to those quests as well (that way those who have already completed them would not miss out on a *new* reward).


We’re listening to feedback from you guys constantly and your opinions are important to us. We want this game to be the best possible MMO experience for our players.


Enjoy Serpentshrine and Tempest Keep =)


(Please note: This change will go live later today -- it's not yet active)

Edited by Kibai

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The link is not working, but its on the front page of Worldofraids.com



Edited by Kibai

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This is pretty much the greatest thing to happen in the history of WoW.


This is the perspective I'm taking.

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yay does this mean i can raid witout finding a stoopid grp to do stoopid heroic instances that takes stoopidly forever?



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Im kinda bummed, we spent a lot of time getting attuned.


We're not ready for TK as sad as it is. I would like to go in there this week and drop void reaver, but we do not have a 3rd well geared tank for it yet.



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WoW... I think this si sad. This was a different way of doing Attunements. I thought it was pretty intresting. It ment that guilds that wanted to push, actually pushed, and guilds that didnt... well ... never got there. It ment guild members had to work together to get further, rather than just walking in and trying from there. This made you see those heroics, which, without the trials, I never plan on going to heroic Arc.

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this sucks... ive healed my ass off in those heroics... omg heroic shatterhalls was #$#$#%$% so after all that time that I and 4 other skilled peeps spent in those instances now mean nothing... i wanted to earn my attunement, feel that i accomplished something montumental.. ... not for someone to just give it to me...





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this sucks... ive healed my ass off in those heroics... omg heroic shatterhalls was #$#$#%$% so after all that time that I and 4 other skilled peeps spent in those instances now mean nothing... i wanted to earn my attunement, feel that i accomplished something montumental.. ... not for someone to just give it to me...


I feel the same as you. I actually wanted to show people "Yeah, I worked for this. I'm ready for it." But now, it's just "Grats... you did the Trials... gg wasted time".

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You know this prevented alot of rerolling including my own reroll before I went to Immortality. Lifting these attunements may change alot of things.


Otherwise it's not ground breaking. If you could not get a guild attuned for an instance you were not ready. If those same guilds try to go now they won't find TK that nice even tho guilds say Void Reaver is a Loot Vendor. He is such because of progression in SSC.


FP was on it's way and grinding towards these attunements. You don't have to do them now and that is fine. But FP was headed to SSC and TK already so it just makes it a little easier for you. Overall Forgotten Prophets was moving along and had the date with destiny. Now some of the casual people *Cough* Lyrin can still come along and help while being responsible IRL and overall this is a good thing. No one is gonna skip SSC and head to TK with or without attunements.

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I don't like this in that i actually wanted to do these heroics (i mean with REAL groups, not the crappiest pugs the world has ever seen) but now that we don't "need" them... no1 GOOD will ever run them :(


but then again, i never have time for instances neways, lol

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I'm disappointed.


We just started making a really big push to get through the content put in place by blizzard and now all of that is for naught.


The challenge of a game is to beat the content placed in the game by the designers. Blizzard gave us the challenge of getting our guilds through the content and right when we were meeting that goal we are told that it was all meaningless (/slap in the face). Yay! we all get to see the content. Too bad it comes at the price of missing out on fun nights and the challenge of beating portions of the game that are fun.

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I'm still making PR do them, people who completed the trials get preferential invites so the accomplishment doesn't go unheeded.

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I'm glad they took it out. Imo the trials and attunements were just time wasters that Blizz put in to try to make up for the fact that BC really wasn't that amazing. Guilds were blowing through new content and people were already getting just as bored as they had been pre-BC. Tedious trials and bs 4tl. Maybe I'm just becoming jaded toward this whole style of game now, raid this to get gear to raid this etc.

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I think your jaded. People who did everything were blowing away content. Because 10 guilds are in the spot light doesn't show the fact that over 250,000 guilds are behind the curve of what Blizzard thought they should be at. They keep removing it because people are to lazy to do the things needed. It is a choice to farm for a flying netherdrake or nether ray over getting attuned. People who put attunements off are the ones excited because they get to continue to slack off and never put the nose to the grind stone.


With that said. It has bless FP because people like Gryph and Lyrin and other great people who just can not spend the amount of time on game as others now can also attend and help and see new content.


I love Phelankell and how he is handling it in his guild. That is a great idea.

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Maybe I'm just becoming jaded toward this whole style of game now, raid this to get gear to raid this etc.


you do realize that pre-BC was exactly the same, right... :blink:


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The spectrum has changed from Pre-BC, thats why there is a larger median of progression with the guilds.


Finding 40 heavily devoted players with meshing schedules is harder than 10 then past that to 25. Blizzard put so many stepping stones in now to help progression now it created a larger median of progression amoungst those doing it. Hardcore guilds will take many steps a week as opposed to the casuals that may only take a few. Pre-BC everything was a massive jump requiring more people to work together.


And now with matching PvP gear, the hardcores that dominate the PvE and carry that over to PvP increasing their 'stepping' progress even faster because they have more access to high level gear a lot faster.


Imagine how fast BWL-AQ40 would have been if we also had access to PvP gear of equal level. Instead of one epic per week from raiding, you could be getting a couple.


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