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I'm sure everyone is sick to death of all the gold farmer spam that's been rampant these days. I found this nifty little mod that does quite a good job at blocking them. I have yet to receive any spam message since I installed it. It does not block unknown people from messaging you either, so don't expect people that aren't on your friends list from not being able to whisper you.




So far, it's worked extremely well.



For those interested in the technical details how it works:

You or anyone that is in your guild, party, raid, game GM, or friends list are automatically allowed to be displayed. It will also block any messages from players that are sent multiple times within 60 seconds, to stop flooding. Anyone not included in white list is then scrutinized to determine if the message is spam based on a calculation of the following: if the player is in a guild, if they're above level 10 or level 30. It also looks for any known gold farming websites and automatically blocks the message if a site is found.


I'm sure that it does more than this, I just wanted to address the concerns people might have about it ignoring anyone below level 10 or something. <3

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Supposedly the next patch will allieviate this problem. But, we all know how well blizzard does....


Yeah I know, but I'd rather take the 2 seconds out of my day to install the mod and not have to deal with it until they fix it.

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