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I like the last Paragraph there Brandon. Sounds neat, I didn't know about the 32 bG's and PVE stuffs.


I woulda included you on the PVP list if I had remembered, sorry, but you've been so distant lately, I thought you hated me. I think we should sit down and talk about it, we're drifting a part you and I, I think we need to work on our communication. Remember the days of us frolicking thru the fields of Orgrimmar, now you just want to ignore me. Am I fat? Its cause im fat now isnt' it.


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I like the last Paragraph there Brandon. Sounds neat, I didn't know about the 32 bG's and PVE stuffs.


I woulda included you on the PVP list if I had remembered, sorry, but you've been so distant lately, I thought you hated me. I think we should sit down and talk about it, we're drifting a part you and I, I think we need to work on our communication. Remember the days of us frolicking thru the fields of Orgrimmar, now you just want to ignore me. Am I fat? Its cause im fat now isnt' it.


Where did you move again? Exactly. You made your choice. You're stuck with him.





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i miss the FP familia....where the heck is esteban anyway? havent seen a post from him yet?! oh and hi sploit im volkv...used to be a priest now a rogue and i quit wow for a few months but will be back shortly....we WILL meet...

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haha I am around volkv. I am no longer FP though, PvE is too repetitive for my liking. At least when smashing people's faces in to acomplish the same goal for the 100th time you get to die and experience some unpredictability.


I am going into warhammer too. I'll probably be melting faces with a bright magus. Or smashing faces with a dwarf hammerer. OR! maybe a chaos zealot.



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i think i have had a FP Forum relapse....i always find myself trolling the forums i dont get it....why is FP so addicting?!!? well hopefully i will be back monday if i get my lazy ass to the bank and get my account re-activated and transfered back to skullcrusher....anyone care to meet me in nagrand? we can duel to the death! muhuhahaha i will probably lose cause my fingers arent properly worked out from months of no wow...andway /troll FP Forums

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oh and este! i want to PvP with you~!~

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maybe its the gay?


haha I am taking a 1 week break from wow to study for my classics exam. I'll pvp with you when I get back :D

Edited by Esteban

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It's the crack they lace the forums with. I can't stop trolling these things either >.>



I'm going to have to roll on two servers for WAR thoough. Like everyone I talk to wants to roll chaos, and I want to experience a functional paladin for once ...


QQ :(


WoW Paladin combat: The best auto attack there is!

Edited by Ecthelion

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totally gonna be chaos.




I don't THINK the level grind is that bad, so I have no problems rolling an Empire alt with ya Ecth. Hell, if the Empire really get sexier looking as they level, I might just stay there with you.



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good luck in the war effort guys!


Hey Bran, tell me how city siege 92nd goes though! I hope it's just as good as 1-91! :D

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i still dont know what i will roll...guess we will see when it comes around....i'd like to play with all you guys that i know already though...makes things that much easier

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haha I think vannoon is feelin' left out




I don't THINK the level grind is that bad, so I have no problems rolling an Empire alt with ya Ecth. Hell, if the Empire really get sexier looking as they level, I might just stay there with you.




true! Dwarves get longer beards as they lvl. Orcs grow bigger and darker. I bet dark elf females will grow bigger boobs as they lvl.

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grrrr my school is so lame....they have the entire WoW website blocked on Novell...soooo lame i cant even trol the forums during school and if i "subvert security" a.k.a. use a proxy then i get a saturday and lose my interent for 30 days! :evil:

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my name is volkk in game! say hi! haha

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