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Hi everyone! hope all is well happy belated b-day! just droppin by to see whats goin on in the WoW world...i quit playing after i hit 70 for the second time it just got boring...also wanted to ask everyone if they are gonna play Warhammer when it comes out because i sure am! and i hope to see all the old names playing too! need a server full of FPedians haha well hope you WoW journey is goin good FP im out!

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OMG Volkv


Yeah I think Tutubo set us up with a Warhammer guild thing, so I know some people are going to check it out. Nice to hear from you man!

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Hey Volk!


I will *definately* be playing Warhammer. I've been following the development for quite some time now, and I am psyched. It looks to be a really great PVP game.


Just curious, what do you intend on playing race/career wise?


My list of possiblities:

  • Dwarven Hammerer

Empire Warrior Priest (see if they can actually make a pally work!)

Empire Witchhunter

Chaos Magus

Black Orc

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doesnt look interesting to me. hav fun yall. cya when you come back to wow. lawl

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doesnt look interesting to me. hav fun yall. cya when you come back to wow. lawl




Seems like a giant scale AV after you get to max level! Win/lose, reset. =P

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Seems like a giant scale AV after you get to max level! Win/lose, reset. =P


and wow instances are different?


If they can successfully make pvp the way their describing it Ill consider owning everyone :biggrin: . Im pretty happy with wow pvp atm and for a company to make a game up to these standards is pretty difficult but we shall see.

Edited by Beornwarrior

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We will see you Hykos when everyone you play with is in Warhammer. Lawl.


For people who truely want PvP Warhammers design is going to destroy WoW's. Everything helps PvP and people who don't like PvP are important for armor and such unlike WoW were you craft something and it is BoP or takes like 5 million gold because you got some rare pattern and want to exploit your own faction.


Warhammer will be much mare about factions not just guilds working together to accomplish something so that one group does not become dominant and corner the market.

Edited by Bentley

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i will definately be playing Warhammer when it is released.

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and wow instances are different?


Sure, they're the same thing over and over again, however more of them get added to the game as time goes on. If it was just MC still, WoW would have died out. They keep adding new dungeons to keep it interesting on the PVE side. Im just saying from the preview / podcast things ive watched, it seems it culminates @ "zone 4" where there is the major city, neutral city.


After that, then what? I dont know what else happens in the game or if there are even dungeons to PVE? From what the interview said, everyone gets "Victory points" to eventually take over the other factions town. Then, it resets, and you do it all over again, and again. Seems like Honor Grinding to me.


Does WOW have a better alternative? Not really, but I think if wow had some sort of city you could take over that would be cool. Not like Halaa, but one with an AH / Flight paths etc. Like if Shattrath could be taken over for Horde or Alliance, that'd be neat. On top of the regular PvP arenas and BG's.

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OMG Volkv <3!


Yeah I think Tutubo set us up with a Warhammer guild thing, so I know some people are going to check it out. Nice to hear from you man!


Um...Does this include beta keys? :shock:


I'd hit that

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from what i hear, warhammer does have 'pve instances' except that they are to help out the war effort or something

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Sure, they're the same thing over and over again, however more of them get added to the game as time goes on. If it was just MC still, WoW would have died out. They keep adding new dungeons to keep it interesting on the PVE side. Im just saying from the preview / podcast things ive watched, it seems it culminates @ "zone 4" where there is the major city, neutral city.


After that, then what? I dont know what else happens in the game or if there are even dungeons to PVE? From what the interview said, everyone gets "Victory points" to eventually take over the other factions town. Then, it resets, and you do it all over again, and again. Seems like Honor Grinding to me.


Does WOW have a better alternative? Not really, but I think if wow had some sort of city you could take over that would be cool. Not like Halaa, but one with an AH / Flight paths etc. Like if Shattrath could be taken over for Horde or Alliance, that'd be neat. On top of the regular PvP arenas and BG's.


That is partially a concern of mine, however, everyone knows I am an alt-a-holic so I will be playing through to PVP with like 10 different characters :-)

That being said though, I think they already know this. I can't imagine them just letting the game stay the same for years. They could always add in zones (new armies per side), new scenarios (instanced battleground things) are very likely, and expand current zones to have new battlefields.


If WoW had something like you said, take an actual city, I would stick with it forever. That's actually what I assumed it would be like when I signed up on day 1. I had visions of grandeur of raiding orgrimmar, undercity, etc on a regular basis. With Warhammer....that's what it's all about. Sure it resets after a bit, but you do get to actually take an enemy city and hold it for some time. For world PVP fans of WoW... well it's everything that's missing here.


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Eh im thinkin bout being a shaman for shitz and giggles but i really dont know...i want to see how everything turns out with all the classes and stuff before i decide! oh and i might come back and play wow as a rogue though...maybe even on skullcrusher so i might see everyone once again! /miss FP and all the good times i had with you all! we'll see though...


Warhammer is supposed to be based soly on PvP with like PvE for the people who dont like confrontation and like to stick to themselves and kill monsters that dont pose much of a challenge....i cant wait i think the Warhammer PvP will be > WoW PvP by far....to bad they pushed the release back eh?


well look for me in the next few weeks....i think my name will be ozwinks 70 rogue im not sure though!



/bye for now

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I think all of the Immortals are gonna pick up Warhammer. Chaos Chosen FTMFW!

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so yeah im most likely coming back to skullcrusher and gonna start playing again....all i really want to do is PvP with FP again cause it was like pretty much the bestest most funnest thing i ever dun did in the world of warcraft......you all better PvP still! :D

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The PVP'ers all pretty much went to a guild called The Immortals, save JRV and Rein. We're all still one big family though. =)


I wish I had more time, I'd love to spec for Arenas and do those. They were so fun pre-BC, especially being that spec.


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i will probably be playing a rogue becuase i find them extremly fun =D maybe they will let me join thier PvP forces...eh we'll see what happens

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I think Warhammer PvP will be the best thing that happened to WoW PvP in a long time. I hope their classes are well balanced and fun to play. This will cause Blizzard to improve their PvP game.


Overall, I think Warhammer vs WoW PvP will depend on balance of classes moreso then the "arena" type matches. It seems like taking over a city is awesome...and it probably is...the first 10 times, then you'll be looking for something else. Who knows...it might be the best thing to come out and we'll see "Forgotten Prophets" in Warhammer!

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We will see you Hykos when everyone you play with is in Warhammer. Lawl.




Hey Volk! Yeah, I agree that 70 is a little boring and whatnot. Honestly I use WoW moreso as a chat program than anything. My WoW account will be cancelled when WAR comes out. I know alot of people from SC that are planning on the same, and I agree we def. need a SC guild on one of WARs servers.


Anyways, good to hear from ya and stick around as I'm sure we'll be letting people know where we are at/going this coming winter.




The PVP'ers all pretty much went to a guild called The Immortals, save JRV and Rein. We're all still one big family though. =)


/gquit on Tutubo =P


Oh and Matt, WAR's WORLD PvP will be based around sacking other factions city. But there were something like 32+ types of BG instances you can go inside as well for variety. Along with what Bobert said, they plan on having PvE instances that have you helping the overall war effort instead of killing Dragon of Doom the 92nd.

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instead of killing Dragon of Doom the 92nd.


lol nice

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