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Howdy all! Long time no chat, eh?


Thought I'd drop by and show you what I've been doing since leaving Azeroth.


The biggest thing that I've been doing is working on my car and just crusin' around Winnipeg. Quite fun actually, especially on Sunday Nights. Just so you know, Sunday night in Winnipeg is called Cruse Night and you just drive all over the city, by yourself or with your Car Club. Watching all the cool cars go by and maybe have a few Who Makes it to the Limit First things.


So, this is the car that i've been working on. It's nothing spectacular but its fun to drive. It's a 2004 Grand Am GT.






I'm trying to keep it stock looking just because it looks really nice, and living in Winnipeg with huge snow storms in Winter and Pot Hole capital of Canada, those body kits just take a shit dive. The only work that has been done body wise is adding two decals on each side window (car clubs) and making a new Brake Light. I'll post those pics up later once i've taken them, hehe. I'm also probably gonna add a grill to the front of the car, probably in either a Chrome colour or standard Aluminum.


I've upgraded the Stereo with a Kicker Livin' Loud ZX 400.1 amplifier and two Rockford Fosquake P1's (300W each). My friend help me merge the Monsoon Amplifier and the Kicker amp to give out 600 Watts of power the the subs. Amazingly I havn't blown them to shit yet, even though we've cranked it to full power. The whole car shakes, which probably isn't a good thing, so I keep em powered at 1/4.






Yeah I hooked it all up into the factory stereo just because AutoTheft and Vandalism is huge is the city and I don't want my precious taken away from me (cue Gollum voice now). They did a really good job hiding the bass boost in the car that it is virtually impossible to locate it.


I'm really trying to stay away from any performance upgrades just because they are freakin' expensive and honestly I don't need a horsepower boost... yet. I just put in a new K&N Air Filter because my warrenty is expiring and I don't want to have to replace the shitty GM one's every XXXX KM. Just gotta clean that sucker and re use it. I'm probably going to add in a Sway Bar in the front, but not 100% sure. New spark plugs are going in because I'm aming to get those red ones to match the paint of my car. New headlight bulbs i'm picking up (Ultra White) because my headlights suck balls, the high beams included. Hell when I'm driving home at night (live near the outskirts of Winnipeg) there are few street lights. The fog lights are brighter than my low beams and the high beams maybe extend a few feet more than the low beams. Though typical GM says that it is in "Proper Working Order", kinda like what Blizzard says all those times.



Besides from my car, I hang out with my friends when I'm not working (I work at a Car Wash, so i get access to over $5,000 worth of washing stuff, huzzah!) and try to catch as many movies as I can with my friends. Maybe this summer I'll see some of you because I'm heading down the States a lot this summer and across Canada. Who knows...



Chris "Exist2Inspire" MacKinnon

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Dude, thats awesome. Getting a fancy red sports car is always ftw.


And yeah, dont upgrade it to much since you live up there. I had a Mustang back in Utah, and that was a deathtrap to drive in the winter. Somehow I managed to live thru all 8 years driving one, but every year I nearly died at least once.


Dont get pulled over!

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Amazingly, considering how much I blare my music and spin my tires cops have never pulled me over... Wait there was this one time they did.


In January some woman rear-ended me and smashed up my entire back end (the trunk frame was damaged) with the licence plate part falling off. I grabed my screwdriver and removed the plate and shoved it in my back window. When I was driving home on an area with no lights I got pulled over by the police. They saw that I had no rear licence plate and that said licence plate was in the rear window. He was gonna write me a ticket and I said "Did you ever check out the rear end of my car?" The cop looked puzzled, looked at the rear end angrily and came back and said "I'm sorry son, have a good day"... idiot.


I've actually had police pull up beside me, give a sign to roll down my passenger window and say "You've got some nice sound" and then drive away... hahahaha.


<3 my car :D

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i just got a msg saying u added me on facebook... i was like "who the ef is mackinnon?" lol


<3 yah man =D

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Well, its offical. I finally destroyed one of my subs!


Well, it's not totally destroyed, but I tore the Voice Coil so everytime the bass its the metal frame vibrates causing an annoying vibrating sound. Heading out with my friend on Wednesday to replace them. Hopefully I'll be able to get FutureShop to upgrade me to the 12" p2 :D

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