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Heres the skinny of it.


Druids: 673

Hunters: 1019

Mages: 933

Paladins: 438

Priests: 776

Rogues: 837

Shamans: 315

Warlocks: 761

Warriors: 883

TOTAL: 6635




Class/Tree % Specced : % Skipped 31 : % Avoided 41



Druid/Balance 13.4 6.7 24.4


Druid/Feral Combat 59.9 0.5 2.7


Druid/Restoration 26.7 2.8 21.8


Hunter/Beast Mastery 22.0 2.2 9.8


Hunter/Marksmanship 72.3 0.4 12.2


Hunter/Survival 5.1 30.8 61.5


Mage/Arcane 38.5 3.6 73.8


Mage/Fire 35.9 3.9 18.8


Mage/Frost 25.5 0.4 11.3


Paladin/Holy 67.0 2.4 23.2


Paladin/Protection 20.6 3.3 10.0


Paladin/Retribution 12.1 5.7 9.4


Priest/Discipline 12.9 23.0 75.0


Priest/Holy 53.7 76.7 83.7


Priest/Shadow 32.7 0.0 3.2


Rogue/Assassination 23.7 1.0 21.2


Rogue/Combat 56.2 1.7 18.1


Rogue/Subtlety 17.7 4.7 33.1


Shaman/Elemental 24.8 5.1 48.7


Shaman/Enhancement 38.5 4.1 22.3


Shaman/Restoration 36.6 2.6 0.9


Warlock/Affliction 46.0 10.0 27.5


Warlock/Demonology 35.0 5.3 17.0


Warlock/Destruction 18.2 8.0 35.5


Warrior/Arms 28.7 0.4 60.3


Warrior/Fury 13.1 4.3 23.5


Warrior/Protection 58.1 2.5 4.1

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Easy Reorganization:


Spec Popularity from Less to Highest Percentage


Hunter/Survival 5.1

Paladin/Retribution 12.1

Priest/Discipline 12.9

Warrior/Fury 13.1

Druid/Balance 13.4

Rogue/Subtlety 17.7

Warlock/Destruction 18.2

Paladin/Protection 20.6

Hunter/Beast Mastery 22

Rogue/Assassination 23.7

Shaman/Elemental 24.8

Mage/Frost 25.5

Druid/Restoration 26.7

Warrior/Arms 28.7

Priest/Shadow 32.7

Warlock/Demonology 35

Mage/Fire 35.9

Shaman/Restoration 36.6

Mage/Arcane 38.5

Shaman/Enhancement 38.5

Warlock/Affliction 46

Priest/Holy 53.7

Rogue/Combat 56.2

Warrior/Protection 58.1

Druid/Feral Combat 59.9

Paladin/Holy 67

Hunter/Marksmanship 72.3



31 Point Skip from least Skipped to Most Skipped


Priest/Shadow 0

Hunter/Marksmanship 0.4

Mage/Frost 0.4

Warrior/Arms 0.4

Druid/Feral Combat 0.5

Rogue/Assassination 1

Rogue/Combat 1.7

Hunter/Beast Mastery 2.2

Paladin/Holy 2.4

Warrior/Protection 2.5

Shaman/Restoration 2.6

Druid/Restoration 2.8

Paladin/Protection 3.3

Mage/Arcane 3.6

Mage/Fire 3.9

Shaman/Enhancement 4.1

Warrior/Fury 4.3

Rogue/Subtlety 4.7

Shaman/Elemental 5.1

Warlock/Demonology 5.3

Paladin/Retribution 5.7

Druid/Balance 6.7

Warlock/Destruction 8

Warlock/Affliction 10

Priest/Discipline 23

Hunter/Survival 30.8

Priest/Holy 76.7



41 Point Skip from least Skipped to Most Skipped


Shaman/Restoration 0.9

Druid/Feral Combat 2.7

Priest/Shadow 3.2

Warrior/Protection 4.1

Paladin/Retribution 9.4

Hunter/Beast Mastery 9.8

Paladin/Protection 10

Mage/Frost 11.3

Hunter/Marksmanship 12.2

Warlock/Demonology 17

Rogue/Combat 18.1

Mage/Fire 18.8

Rogue/Assassination 21.2

Druid/Restoration 21.8

Shaman/Enhancement 22.3

Paladin/Holy 23.2

Warrior/Fury 23.5

Druid/Balance 24.4

Warlock/Affliction 27.5

Rogue/Subtlety 33.1

Warlock/Destruction 35.5

Shaman/Elemental 48.7

Warrior/Arms 60.3

Hunter/Survival 61.5

Mage/Arcane 73.8

Priest/Discipline 75

Priest/Holy 83.7




I think it is fair to say the Hunter Survival Changes in the next Patch were needed but just like the Holy Priests, those 31 and 41 point talents need to change.

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Wow, that's some intersting statistics. I'm surprised that the percentage for druid's that skipped Swiftmend and TreeofLOL aren't higher, but the high percentage of balance that skip moonkin proves it's popularity as a healing spec over resto for that purpose.


And of course, feral pwns all.

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Yay for priests having the worst 31 AND 41 point holy talents /arm pump!


That's cause you're all supposed to be shadow by now...'I IZ HEELIN U WIT VAMP EMB LOLZORPWNT!'


(seriously though, vamp embrace is amazing dps+offhealing <3 shadowpriests)

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Yay for priests having the worst 31 AND 41 point holy talents /arm pump!


Yeah, and there is not one shadow priest that skipps Shadowform? Seems about right. It's sad, it's like Blizzards has said, "We want pallies to heal, and priest to vamperic embrace/touch". Thanks for makeing shadow priest one of the best classes in the game for those of us that rolled a priest to play (what we thought was going to be) the best healing class.


I rolled a Blood Elf Paladin to level with a friend who is new to the game and I am completely amazed that Paladins don't even need healing gear or to be holy speced to be almost as good as a holy priest at equil level that has sicinifant healing gear.





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lawl... slow sucks, but it seems that the majority of the mages are spec'd similir to myself or kobah...


I am about to be enforcing spec's... lawlawlawl

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I am completely amazed that Paladins don't even need healing gear or to be holy speced to be almost as good as a holy priest at equil level that has sicinifant healing gear.


I can pretty much guarantee that that's totally not true. Ret pallies without healing gear are definitely not as good as priest at healing hahaha

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lawl... slow sucks, but it seems that the majority of the mages are spec'd similir to myself or kobah...


I am about to be enforcing spec's... lawlawlawl



anyone who specs otherwise is noob, or me.

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