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Technically that macro i gave you in game should work but then again the 20 versions i tried of that macro that should have worked actually didnt haha =) but here is the one that i use and it definitely works:


/focus [button:1]/cast [button:1] Polymorph: Pig

/cast [target=focus] Polymorph: Pig

/clearfocus [button:3]


left clicking, hitting the key you have bound = poly and sets focus target

right click = recasting the spell you hve designated without switching targets

middle click = cleared focus target


works for umm...eveyrhting but its mostly useful for things like poly, banish, shackle, fear so you can keep a mob/player CC'd while dps'ing a seperate target...


if you want to use it for one specific fight you can still use it like you would dragging the button out of your book onto your bar...


and yes i macro to much


whats what i posted on vindi boards im to lazy to type it all out. Take it easy!




*edit* I dont know why the 2nd cast command wont return and stay on teh second line but ive edited it like 4 times. totally not my fault...

Edited by Phyber

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