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Originally Net Nuetrality meant that all internet traffic was treated equally without bias or discrimination.

Edited by Joesf

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I think it is a good idea for everyone to research this topic a little bit more. Here are some links that I found that I hope help everyone understand the topic a little more and get them thinking about solutions to the problem.







Edited by loofa

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The irony is most 'consumers' won't see the changes take place...Until it's too late. It'll mostly be subtle and incremental, but the long-term ramifications will be huge in hindesight.


Too tired to elaborate atm. :dry2:

Edited by Feanore

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Just because it passed doesn't mean it will rule supreme I hope.


I have to think that eventually people will use it as a gimick to raise rates high and overcharge... but overall I doubt much can be filtered or blocked.


For instance if you pay $40 a month for AOL and AOL signs an agreement with Disney and so no matter what you search Six Flags, Bush Gardens, Universal Studios and you get Disney.


Now to counter that.... Comcast comes along and says well for $70 a month we will give you full access with no blocking or redirection. Essentially I think it will boil down to a gimick to overcharge because as consumers we will go with whoever provides more to us.


But that is a thought. It very well may come down to the money from billion dollar companies becoming supreme which would just suck.

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The irony is most 'consumers' won't see the changes take place...Until it's too late. It'll mostly be subtle and incremental, but the long-term ramifications will be huge in hindesight.


Too tired to elaborate atm. :dry2:

Attacks upon Civil Liberties only come in small measured compromises; little bits at a time.

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but overall I doubt much can be filtered or blocked.


The technology is easily availible and can do far more than you think. I manage firewalls that can regulate, block and resist access of virtually any type. And thats without any special devices, just a modern top-end firewall.




The NSA has already had their finger up the ISPs asses for awhile. I wouldnt doubt losing Net Nuetrality is because the government wanted access to more to the information and the ISPs made them compromise. Without Net Nuetrality, the power will be in the hands of the ISPs (not even the government) and they will be able to do far more than jsut monitoring.

Edited by Joesf

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I do the same thing. It isn't that they can't. I doubt much can or will be because us as consumers will go to the provider that limits the least.


They gave them the power to do it. Hopefully us as consumers can take it back as much as possible.

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biggest problem is that if they do as bently says, isp prices will go thru the roof.


Hes correct, an isp could have more then one plan.


plan 1: you go to the sites they say you can go to, at an average price ~60$/mo


plan 2: unlimited access ~100$/mo


:( and its so easy to do.

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