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Here are some cool hotfixes:


Check back during the week for updates!




Nightbane's melee damage has been reduced.


Hydross the Unstable no longer deals a crushing blow.


The Romulo and Julianne encounter has been retuned to be less difficult.


Gruul's health has been lowered, and the damage from his shatter ability has been reduced.


Gruul should now correctly use his hurtful strike ability.


The Magtheridon encounter has been rebalanced to be somewhat easier and should now better keep to proper raid progression.


Healing bonuses no longer apply to the Diamond Flask.




Nightbane's breath attack and rain of bones now target those players attempting to avoid his attacks.


Warbringer O'mrogg's status will now reset, after a wipe during his enraged state.




Corrected an issue where Coilfang Ambushers would evade unnecessarily.





Then Cleaves:


The following changes to cleave have been made for the 2.1.0 patch.


--Cleaves will only hit people in front of the creature.

--Cleaves will have a chain length equal to the combat reach of the creature.


We still don't have an exact estimate on when this patch will be ready but development is wrapping up and the test phase should begin relatively soon. As a reminder, the patch undergoes internal testing before public, PTR testing.


Yay for rogues! http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.h...09546&sid=1

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