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I hope i'm posting in the right place, so here goes.


Does any Prophet own an '05 Grand Am GT?


I'm trying to find the Highest End Monsoon Radio from these cars as I would like to add XM radio to it, but none of the wreckers in the city have any '05.


I really just want to know if you just need to subscribe to XM through GM for it to work or do you need those external ones? My car, for some reason completely beyond me, only has one Cigerette light which is being used 100% of the time (FM Transmitter for Laptop/iPod) and i'm too lazy/dont want to add another lighter.


The other reason I need the damned XM-Ready radio so I can use the AUX to Car adapter for my iPod/Laptop as the FM Transmitter is a pain sometimes. And I don't want to buy an Aftermarket HU because the Car Theft/Vandalism is a pain in the butt up here and our Insurance Agency (one for all of Manitoba, MPI) will only give you money for said aftermarket HU and not replace it (the money you get is either what you paid for it - depreciated value [if you have the recipt] or some stupid flat rate of $75).... and I already got my Amp/Subs hooked up to my '04 Monsoon HU.





Chris MacKinnon

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