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With the new servers coming out, and me being incredibly bored playing Siege, I'm seriously considering making a hordie there. Probably a Troll Mage, as my first char was a Troll Hunter, and I'm getting a bit nostalgic.


I know there have been servral atempts at this in the past, but I'll ask anyway. Will anyone join me?

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Well, I already have hordies on Firetree and Bonechewer.. it's just lonley there. I was hoping to get oin the new servers, so everyone would be on an even playing field. :wink:

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Since you complained about....


The size of my post early in comparison to...


My Signature. :twisted:


I just figured I'd annoy you by doing this kind....


Of Typing and ask....


What server you and panda are going on to? :?::?:


K? :?::?:




Arc :twisted::twisted:

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i wanna play hordies with you cool guys! happy.gif! also i need an uber leet signature banner like panda and ceridia, i have no image editing skillZ of the like im sooo envious. biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

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Dude, just as a heads up, I'm not switching servers. But I love that sig. LIke, seriously, if it were a hot chick, or even a moderately-good-looking one, with a nice personality...Bam! I'd be up on that.

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  Pandalaerian said:


Make a Hordie on Kalecgos!

I have an Undead Mage there.... and she needs company.



And her name is Poorpanda smile.gif

I got borde and just for you(not really, I been wantin a shammy) I got myself a shammy :-)


Yayoyea=my lovly name panda hit me up

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  Amitesh said:
  Pandalaerian said:


Make a Hordie on Kalecgos!

I have an Undead Mage there.... and she needs company.



And her name is Poorpanda smile.gif

I got borde and just for you(not really, I been wantin a shammy) I got myself a shammy :-)


Yayoyea=my lovly name panda hit me up


/target Amitesh




I'm on Kalecgos. My mage is only Lvl 15... so that's pretty easy to catch up to smile.gif Come play with me! I need company smile.gif

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  Erlin said:
i wanna play hordies with you cool guys! happy.gif!  also i need an uber leet signature banner like panda and ceridia, i have no image editing skillZ of the like im sooo envious.  :D  :D


I have been making them for everyone smile.gif dont worry your on the list...


one day soon...you will post something and it will just APPEAR under your post smile.gif im the ninja-sig placer smile.gif

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Now Cer, I am a Dwarf and I say Smash. I know you can have some fun making me a sig and us smokers have to stick together and look out for one another wink.gif



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gar...has been added to the list smile.gif


(everyone i will need GOOD fairly close up screenshots for this to work smile.gif


i tend to pick them from the screenshots board...so its two fold

that board gets traffic AND i get pics to choose from AND you get to display screenies of yourself smile.gifsmile.gif

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Good thing I already have a pic of me and my alt as my icons. No crazy sig for me, yay!


Oh, and fine I'll make the guy on Kalecgos, and since he's a Troll, he'll be Siegemon. :wink:

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  Siegeman said:
Good thing I already have a pic of me and my alt as my icons. No crazy sig for me, yay!


Oh, and fine I'll make the guy on Kalecgos, and since he's a Troll, he'll be Siegemon. :wink:




/target Ami AND Siege


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Yeah so I created a Tauren on there and currently leveling him as a shammy (couldn't resist)... name well... it's a given Moocow... J/K it's Arcadius. See you all there.

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yea, im really tempted to roll a horde character, but i dont know what i want to do. I'd love to roll a shamman, and we should all get guilded together with a name like


"My Alliance toon got pwned"


anyways, ill probably roll one soon, and yea, its gonna be a tauren


OMFG, i can name this toon Everytimeidie!!!!!!!!


In case youre wondering, everytime i skip a line, i skip to another thought process.


Stream of consciousness FTW!


James Joyce FTW!!111

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Ok, so everytimeidie is to long, then it hit me, since i cant use optimusprime, ill use optemusprime, so i am now a transformer. look me up.

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I've got a warlock on there she's level 8 , Misslead is her name. I've added all of you to my friends list. Except Ami cause you didn't put your characters name down, or did i miss it. And couldn't get teahprimes either kept saying no player found.

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yea, thats cuz i deleted him after i went back and redid the way he looked, he is now opitmosprime, and arcadius is now megatronn. were going to camp the shit out of everything, as the 2 most l33t transformers eva!

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im not rerolling to a horde for good, im just trying to have fun, that is what this game is about correct? I definately still like allliance way better, and warriors are still my favorite class, but you need to shake things up some.

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Ok so my question is who's going to be my goofball assistant with a purple troll named Starscream tongue.gif


Yeah So I kept Arcadius so you might catch me on him, but if Prime is Playing Optimos then I'll definatly be on playing Megatronn.

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the people who live in my hall coerced me into starting a character on Medivh with them... its pve though so I made the priest since any priest I make on any server would be purely pve ... plus I like healing smile.gif.


We've got: Warrior, Priest, Warlock, Druid, Rogue


Should be interesting with no mage AoE and no free food/water sad.gifsad.gif .. I think we'll be able to handle everything though :-P


We'll see how well I can balance two servers and school... /sigh sad.gif

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lol i know its not for good haha


but figure we need a guild so we can chit-chat...


and what better name than EASY MODE for a bunch of shammies

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I'll roll a mage or a shaman. Hell, I'll even start the guild and call it EASY MODE or Fluffy Bunnies. The tabbard will be pink with hearts on it.

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Awe.... See Prime and I had it worked out, that we'd start a guild called "The Transformer Rejects" or something along those lines since all of the original transformer names count as being invalid names you have to misspell it alittle.

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