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So what does everyone collect? I'm really curious to see what everyone has.


Me, I tend to collect video games and also stuff for my car (which is quite small right now).


Dreamcast, Wii, Genesis



Nintendo 64, NES



PlayStation and Dreamcast Games



PlayStation and Dreamcast Games



Super Nintendo Games



Xbox, Xbox 360 Games



PSP, Wii, GameCube Games


- Sonic and the Secret Rings Not Pictured


PSP, Genesis Games


PSP Movies (Behind Games)

- Hellboy

- DarkStalkers Revenge: Alpha

- Starship Troopers

- Hallow man

- National Lampoon's Van Wilder

- Air Force One

- Sin City


Genesis, Atari 2600 Games


Non-Boxed Genesis Games

- Jurassic Park

- Batman Forever

- Stargate (Ironically, I was watching Stargate Atlantis when I took these picture)


PS2 Games



NES Games


Black Carts

- Rolling Thunder

- R.B.I. Baseball

Gold Carts

- Legend of Zelda

- Legend of Zelda II: Adventures of Link


What is not pictured (Consoles)

- Atari 2600 (In closet)

- Super Nintendo (Bro's Room)

- PS2, Xbox, X360 (Basement Rec Room)

- Dreamcast Sports Bundle (In Box, In Closet)


Games that are not pictured:



- Super Mario Advance 1 & 2

- Mortal Kombat Advanced

- Golden Sun

- Golden Sun 2

- Super Street Fighter II Turbo Revival

- Megaman Battle Network 1 - 5

- Legend of Zelda DX

- Megaman Xtreme

- Dragon Warrior 3

- Final Fantasy Legends II

- Megaman I, IV

- Super Mario Land 1 & 2

- Pokemon (Blue, Red, Yellow, Silver, Gold)

- Donkey Kong Land 2

- Tetris

- Dr. Mario

- Batman Forever

- Spiderman/X-Men: Arcade's Revenge

- Empire Strikes Back


Nintendo 64

- 1080 Snowboarding

- Blast Corps

- Diddy Kong Racing

- Donkey Kong 64

- Goldeneye 007

- In The Zone

- Jet Force Gemini

- Legend of Zelda, The: Majora's Mask

- Legend of Zelda, The: Ocarina of Time

- Lego Racers

- Mischief Makters 64

- Mortal Kombat 4

- Perfect Dark

- Ridge Racer 64

- Star Fox 64

- Star Wars Rogue Squadron

- Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire

- Turok: Dinosaur Hunter

- Turok: Rage Wars

- Worms Armageddon

- NBA In the Zone 2000

- Extreme G 2

- Jet Force Gemini

- Pokemon Stadium

- Star Wars: Episode 1 Racer


Total Numbers


Dreamcast: 64

Genesis: 16

PSX: 52

PS2: 67

PSP: 24 (+7 Movies)

XBox: 57

X360: 10

NES: 15

SNES: 23

N64: 27

GC: 7

Wii: 5

GB/C/A: 20

Atari: 11



My second Collection, or Hobby is working on my Car.


2004 Grand Am GT (< 50,000 KM)

Stock Monsoon System (200 Total Watts, 6 Speakers)


All I've done thus far:


Modded my Kensington FM Transmitter right into my car (Only the wire shows)

Upgraded my Stereo:

- 400.1 Kicker Livin' Loud Amplifier (400 Watts)

- 2 10" Rockford Fosqate P1

Replaced my Eagle RS-A Tires with BFGoodwrench Traction TA's (I find they're better)


Unfortunately, my car just got back from the Collision Centre for it's repairs so it is freakin' dirty, So i'll post pics of it later. And if you're wondering why it was in the Collision Centre was because some woman rear-ended me and it took 3 weeks to be repaired ($5600 Damages, $800 for Rental Van & then Car).




So what do you all Collect?



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I should also say that all but 1 of my games doesn't work, everything else does (even that Atari 2600, and my NES games on the first boot)


Dreamcast - NBC Showtime (Basketball Game feat. Shaq)


I also have a crap load of PC games, though I rarely play them (darn you XP for not letting my play my Win95 games) :wacko9:

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I.. I. oh my god. I...


You just.. i saw.. the light.... I..


the... oh man.. dude..

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Is it bad that I didn't know what GG posted until Raven commented?

Edited by Gryph

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Not that it woul dhave any real bearing... but I'd need a bigger lighter.

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I.. I. oh my god. I...


You just.. i saw.. the light.... I..


the... oh man.. dude..



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Is it bad that I didn't know what GG posted until Raven commented?


I'm with you Gryph! At first I thought...man...someone loves to drink tea...my next thought that's just dumb...I bet she is a fortune teller and reads tea leafs, with that thought I went to bed knowing I cracked the mystery!


I'm serious though, I had no idea 'till Raven posted...


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I have collected all sorts of things in the past (action figures, Comics, cards, original art) , but thankfully I have grown out of that phase of my life.


I still collect trilobites, but I keep it reasonable, I am only looking for a few select species, and only those that are excavated with the utmost care. I have 8 trilobites in total, most of them are in poor shape, and not really display worthy. The centerpeice of my collection was a 4.5 inch, 450 Million Year Old Russian Asaphus Punctatus fossilized in sandstone, a museum quality piece. When I moved in with my girl friend, she dropped it while cleaning and it shattered into about 30 pieces. The first thing she asked "was it rare? or valuable?" She almost fainted when I told her it was worth any where from $500 to $800 and was 450 Million Years old.


Oh well, now at least I have another species on my hit list of must have's.




Here is an example of the fossil I had, mine was about an inch and a half bigger.

Edited by Crow

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at first i thought gg posted a giant pile of poo, then i quickly realized my mistake

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Is it bad that I didn't know what GG posted until Raven commented?


Gryph quite frankly you should be ashamed of yourself



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what did gg post? i can't tell what it is.

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Klakla you should post pics of your peter-pan dickgirl porn collection



......that is what you collect right?

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