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Legos FTMFW...must have been a pain to program that based off the some of the garbage robots people made using those in my high school engineering program. Once the vehicle ran down the ramp it should have performed some miniscule task like knocking some milk into a cup of coffee or launching into a babies mouth and blocking its airway.

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I actually have to make a shitty robot (using the term loosely) for my mechanical design class... spent a couple hours today trying to get the actuator programming to work... FUN!

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Legos FTMFW...must have been a pain to program that based off the some of the garbage robots people made using those in my high school engineering program. Once the vehicle ran down the ramp it should have performed some miniscule task like knocking some milk into a cup of coffee or launching into a babies mouth and blocking its airway.


Launching into a babies mouth and blocking it's airway? Glad you haven't changed a bit.


And HV... just show your prof that video and say that you made it but you can't bring it to class due to it's massive size. See if he'll buy it.

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