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But on a more serious note...




I've popped in here and there on Vent (typically when I'm drunk and bored... not to say I'm drunk while posting now...) and I figured I'd update you all on how Dez is doing on that epic adventure that is real life.


I've been stuck in my room for the most part over the past few weeks. Some she-devil named Shannon gave me Mono (At least I like to blame her for it, not really sure where I got it {And I like to blame her for it since she is an evil woman who ripped my heart out}) and I haven't been able to do anything except sit/lay around and do nothing. This has made the past few weeks extremely boring, and I've thought about coming back quite often. However, since I'm still too lazy to go out and get a job so I can pay for the game, that still hasn't happened.


On a more personal note, I miss you all a lot. After quitting the game for this long I realized that I don't miss the actual "gameplay" at all. However, I do miss the daily interaction with you all. Trolling the forums as rarely as I do and such just isn't the same as logging in and talking to everyone. So, don't be suprised if sometime in the near future I start spamming the officers with messages for an invite to the guild. There's a 50/50 chance it'll happen.


Until then (or until not then, like I said, 50/50), I'll harass you all on here occasionally. It's what I do best.



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just dont spam me while im in an instance which puts you on my ignore list, haha 3?

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On a more personal note, I miss you all a lot. After quitting the game for this long I realized that I don't miss the actual "gameplay" at all. However, I do miss the daily interaction with you all.


How true it is...

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Awe, slash miss!


Yeah if it wasn't for all my buddies, I would have stopped playing a long time ago. Its hard when your main conduit for interaction with people that you like stops, but, that just means you should come back omg.


Is there any chance you'll get your old Dez back? Or is he transferred off the server now?


AND even if it's just to say hi every once in a while, you should totally do it. xD Make a Draenei Pally or something! =P


/miss Dez. And, if you ever want to switch teams cause of that nasty girl, you know where to go.


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Valdez has been transferred off the server but I made a place holder toon to reserve the name for you. Valdez will romp again.


Continued good luck with your adventures Dez and we'll see you when you come back.

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He lives! Barely, but I guess that’s all that counts. :wink: Good to hear from you buddy. Mono eh? That sucks, but I doubt it sucks as bad as the woman. Sounds like you've been through a bad spill, sorry man. School's going ok though, yeah? Stangs totally right though, Blood Elf racial > Dranaei racial > all. Sorry I missed you last time on vent, I'll have to catch you next time you jump on. Tell raven to get me on there if I'm not. =P Talk to ya then. /salute

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the people are the only reason i play too. yay!!

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