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Ok... in the mornings before i go to school i always watch the music video's on MTV and VH1 while i eat breakfast and stuff. Sometime this week, cant remember when, i heard a song that i really liked but now that i want to find it I can't remember the name of the band or the song and was wondering if anyone could help me out.


The actual song is kind of pop/indie but when it goes to the chorous the guys voice goes through a synthesizer and gets that techno sound... the music video is about a bunch of kids at camp and the loser kid cant find a girl but finally does because he steals someones hat and glasses and kisses her in the end...


Plz don't hate on why i like the song but i just do, but i will love whoever can find it for me DEARLY and maybe even throw in a reward. Thanks

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i dont remember the lyrics... i cant even remember the beat i just remember that i liked it a lot!!! sad.gif

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Hello Goodbye is the name of that band


Don't remember the song name


Not a fan, but damn does that song come on all the time


Hope that helped smile.gif


EDIT: "Here (In Your Arms)" is the name of the song. GG Wikipedia, would have never thought ohmy.gif

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not fan of new rock... except wolfmother!! there gonna be the next zepp... cept not rlly but there gonna be gettin more and more awesome

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not fan of new rock... except wolfmother!! there gonna be the next zepp... cept not rlly but there gonna be gettin more and more awesome


wolfmother is very good smile.gif

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